ProJoven: Vocational training for young people at risk of exclusion

Project completed
Employment and job placement
Employment and job placement ©FDFA

In phase II, ProJoven contributes to the labour insertion of approximately 6,000 young people who are at risk in the Central District, the Gulf of Fonseca region, and the Muskitia/Atlantic region. This represents at least 80% of the 7,500 youth trained through a high quality vocational training/labour insertion system aligned with market demands in the production, service and tourism sectors. The training/labour insertion system also incorporates a psycho-social focus to enhance the sustainability of results.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Employment & economic development
Vocational training
Employment creation
Vocational training
01.01.2017 - 30.06.2023
CHF  7’300’000

With a poverty rate of 64.5%, high socio-economic exclusion, inequality and insecurity, Honduras has difficulties in achieving inclusive economic growth and generating quality employment for young people. 68% of the vulnerable population is under 30 years of age. These young people have few opportunities and they are at risk of being recruited by criminal youth gangs (the maras).

Nevertheless, the country has a Vision (2010-2038) and a Plan of the Nation (2010-2022) with a strategic and legal framework to attract external investment. This plan places a priority on employment and self-employment with a focus on vocational training and labour insertion for young people.

To bring these plans to life, the government has prioritized the urban centers, and regions with high levels of poverty, including, among others, the Muskitia and the Gulf of Fonseca. In order to integrate indigenous and afro-descendent peoples, the proposal aims at attracting investments and creating development platforms by means of production chains. These regions have a high percentage of youth, but they lack skills to meet market demands and the self-esteem needed to integrate into production processes.

Nevertheless, the creation of innovative alliances with the business sector, training centers, the government and development cooperation agencies aims to address the challenge of training and successfully inserting approximately 180,000 young people who look for work each year.

Objectives Switzerland contributes to the socio-economic insertion of young people at risk, improving their living conditions and strengthening the vocational training/labour insertion system in the Central District and the Gulf of Fonseca and Muskitia/Atlantic regions.
Target groups
  • 7,500 youth at risk who are part of the excluded, disadvantaged and vulnerable population of the Central District and the Gulf of Fonseca and Muskitia/Atlantic regions.
  • Institutions that regulate and support training and labour insertion: National Vocational Training Institute (INFOP) and the Ministries of Economic Development (SDE) and Labour and Social Security (STSS).
  • Popular Workshops, centers for training and labour insertion, business chambers and production and value chain committees.
Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: Young people at risk achieve greater insertion into the labour market with relevant vocational training and social skills. Outcome 2: Public and private institutions and the productive sectors offer training relevant to market demand and facilitate social and labour insertion of trained youth.

Outcome 2: Public and private institutions and the productive sectors offer training relevant to market demand and facilitate social and labour insertion of trained youth.


Expected results:  

  • In phase II, ProJoven will strengthen sustained and functional collaboration among principal actors in the chain of training and labour insertion of young people at risk: central and local government, the private sector and training operators. ProJoven will facilitate greater linkage with demand and employment strategies in the public and private sectors; it will connect actors in the chain of training and insertion into inclusive economic development in the Central District, the Gulf of Fonseca region, and the Muskitia/Atlantic region. In the two regions, this will mean close collaboration with the value chains of cocoa, fishing, cashews, ranching, tourism and other production and service sectors.
  • In the training/labour insertion strategy, ProJoven will include elements of result-based financing for young people in temporary or permanent employment, self-employment or entrepreneurship. The labour insertion fund will put into practice a system of payment for results.
  • Through projects of social cohesion, ProJoven will facilitate the integration of youth into citizen and community participation initiatives.

Results from previous phases:  

  • ProJoven has contributed to modernizing vocational training in Honduras with a focus on labour insertion and entrepreneurship, taking into account the realities of youth at risk; it has fostered new content in vocational training and a pedagogical-methodological approach in the system.
  • Despite contextual and institutional limitations, ProJoven coordinated with the business sector and enabled more youth to obtain fulltime work. It also facilitated the updating of curriculum, equipment and teaching materials in training centers and popular workshops, and it enhanced the socio-labour and psycho-social skills of the instructors.
  • ProJoven managed to increase the number of young men who participate in job training, even though this is the vulnerable group preferred by the maras and organized crime. Greater numbers of young women entered training processes for occupations traditionally assigned to men, expanding the gender focus with a diversified educational offering coherent with labour market demand.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
Private sector
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Foreign private sector South/East
  • Swisscontact

Coordination with other projects and actors

More than 25 NGOs, foundations, churches, business chambers, value chain committees, business development centers (CDEMIPYMES) and external cooperation projects.

National counterparts such as the Ministries of Labour and Social Security, External Affairs, and Economic Development, together with INFOP, in coordination with other external cooperation projects.

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    7’300’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    7’138’149
Project phases

Phase 2 01.01.2017 - 30.06.2023   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2017   (Completed)