Exhibition ‘Digital Dilemmas—Civilians a+ Heart’ Opens in Seoul

Article, 30.08.2024

Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions

Exhibition ‘Digital Dilemmas—Civilians a+ Heart’
Exhibition ‘Digital Dilemmas—Civilians a+ Heart’ © Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea

In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, the Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea, together with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), has organized the exhibition ‘Digital Dilemmas - Civilians a+ Heart’ at the War Memorial of Korea which runs from 30 August to 16 November.

The exhibition highlights the continuing relevance of the Geneva Conventions and provides an in-depth exploration of the evolving impact of digitalization on civilians in armed conflict and the critical need to protect civilians in these increasingly complex conflict environments.

It shows how technology both challenges and enhances the reach and effectiveness of humanitarian efforts in times of crisis. The exhibition also showcases Switzerland’s efforts to protect civilians in armed conflict in the context of its United Nations Security Council membership in 2023-2024.