Public Service Improvement (PSI) in the Kyrgyz Republic
- 31.07.2028
To improve people's quality of life, municipalities need to deliver efficiently and effectively services such as safe drinking water, waste collection, cultural facilities in a socially inclusive and gender responsive manner. In rural Kyrgyzstan, their capacities still need to be improved in a sustainable way. To achieve this, the project will develop the municipalities' support system which shall then provide adequate counseling and training to those municipalities today and in the long run.
Central Asia Arts and Culture Programme 2.0. (CAACP 2.0.)
- 30.06.2027
The objective of the Central Asia Arts and Culture Programme (CAACP) is to foster the further development of a vibrant and open art and culture scene that contributes to preserving freedom of expression and enhancing social cohesion in the region. The CAACP offers cultural institutions and artists opportunities to create a platform that enables people, including left-behind groups, to address issues affecting their lives and contribute to positive social change.
Green Economy and Sustainable Private Sector Development
- 31.05.2026
Project supports transition towards green economy, in particular in tourism and agriculture sectors. With the generous financial support provided by the Swiss and German Governments as well as the European Union (joined for the first time as co-donor), international implementing agency (GIZ) will address challenges in above sectors through improved policy framework in green economy and practices. Transforming economy towards sustainability will also create new and decent jobs.
Climate-sensitive Water Resources Management in Central Asia
- 31.05.2027
The Climate Sensitive Water Resources Management in Central Asia project strengthens national and regional organisations responsible for water resource management in Central Asia to implement climate-sensitive integrated water resources management in a regionally coordinated manner. Switzerland will contribute to this initiative which is designed in the frame of the German led, GIZ implemented Green Central Asia High-Level Platform.
Rural Communities’ Disaster Risks and Climate Change Resilience (Phase 2)
- 31.12.2027
In the natural disasters prone Kyrgyzstan, most vulnerable are the rural communities. Within its periodic Country Strategic Plans, the UN World Food Programme strengthens their disaster risk reduction capacities and climate change resilience. Switzerland has been successfully supporting these endeavours in 2022, supporting resilience and food security of the most vulnerable communities and extends the support to the same direction for 2023-2027.
Contribution to non-state local governance actors
- 31.12.2026
The project is a contribution to and a strategic partnership with the Coalition of three major non-state actors in the promotion and strengthening of local governance in Kyrgyzstan. They will be financially and technically capacitated and empowered to play their role in advancing local democracy and local governance for the benefit of people in Kyrgyzstan. The partnership builds on over 10 years of Swiss support in local governance in Kyrgyzstan as well as on ownership by the government.
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Short term Skills dev. youth/women Ph.1
- 31.10.2023
The project addresses the needs of youth who already graduated from their formal education, but still miss adequate skills for employment. These needs should be matched by demand of private sector. There will be established and institutionalized an effective up/reskilling mechanism nation-wide non-formal Vocational Education Training system in the country. Thus, skilled workforce will successfully support both (future) workers and Micro-, Small- and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
Skills Development in Kyrgyzstan (SDK)
- 31.10.2027
The project addresses the needs of youth who already graduated from their formal education, but still miss adequate skills for employment. These needs should be matched by demand of private sector. There will be established and institutionalized an effective up/reskilling mechanism nationwide non-formal Vocational Education Training system in the country. Thus, skilled workforce will successfully support both (future) workers and Micro-, Small- and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
Water Use Permits in Kyrgyzstan (WUP KG)
- 31.12.2028
Excessive water use leads to the depletion and pollution of this vital resource. In a significant paradigm shift, the Kyrgyz authorities are planning to enhance the protection of water resources by promoting a rational use through strong regulatory functions. Switzerland is partnering with the Kyrgyz authorities in the establishment and the institutionalization of such functions, by supporting the introduction of a water use permitting system that will enable a proper supervision of quantity and quality parameters.
Effective management and prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases
- 30.06.2026
Kyrgyzstan faces an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases and there are significant gaps in the health system to manage them. The Primary Health Care system should deliver equitable care and prevent hospitalizations with non-communicable diseases’ complications. The project contributes to Improve health and quality of life of the rural population through replicating the model of primary health care strengthening and promoting healthy behaviour among people in southern regions and two big cities.
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«Bai Alai» Small Business and Income Creation in Alai and Chon-Alai
- 31.05.2024
Alai and Chon Alai are two of the poorest regions in Kyrgyzstan. The project aims at increasing economic inclusion of producing households through increased income and employment, with the focus on women and youth. During this exit phase (III) the project capitalizes and disseminates good practices in apiculture and cattle, and continues activities handicraft and tourism value chains, until phasing out in May 2024.
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Rural Communities’ Disaster Risks and Climate Change Resilience
- 31.12.2022
In the natural disasters prone environment of Kyrgyzstan, most vulnerable to such risks are the rural communities. In the frame of its Country Strategic Plans (CSP), the World Food Programme (WFP) strengthens their disaster risk and climate change resilience. The Swiss contribution to this intervention line/pillar of the CSP will magnify its impact via implementing a more comprehensive approach and increasing the number of direct beneficiaries.