Joint Statement from the Peace Support Group (PSG) currently chaired by Switzerland on Myanmar National Ceasefire Agreement

Position, 10.08.2015

Following the ninth round of negotiations between the Government and the ethnic armed organisations, the Peace Support Group (PSG) published a Joint Statement, encouraging all sides to act boldly and with a spirit of compromise to achieve this final breakthrough.

8th August 2015

The Peace Support Group believes that the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) represents a real opportunity to help bring an end to more than 60 years of ethnic conflict in Myanmar.

Throughout the NCA process, the Government and ethnic armed organisations have shown remarkable patience, determination and creativity to find common ground between them.

As the NCA negotiations enter their final stage, the Peace Support Group hopes that a final agreement can be reached on the issues which remain to be negotiated. The people of Myanmar, particularly the communities which have suffered most from this conflict, deserve every possible effort for compromise that will lead ultimately to a just and lasting peace with the necessary guarantees. The international community is ready to continue offering its help throughout this process.

We encourage all sides to act boldly and with a spirit of compromise to achieve this final breakthrough.

We also urge all sides to exercise maximum restraint in military activity during this sensitive period, and immediately allow unfettered humanitarian access to all those affected by conflict and in continued need.

Peace Support Group (PSG)