Nepal and Switzerland have been working together as partners for many decades. Today, Nepal is a priority country for Swiss development cooperation, with Switzerland being particularly supportive of the federalist institutions newly established in 2015 and encouraging development of better economic conditions. Ms Amherd expressed her satisfaction and pleasure at what Switzerland and Nepal have achieved together so far. She emphasised in particular the progress made in establishing the federal state system.
Nepal is also expected to rise from being one of the world's least developed countries to become a middle-income country by 2026. During the talks, Ms Amherd and Mr Paudel discussed the gradual transition from development cooperation to more extensive trade relations. Opportunities in Nepal for Swiss companies have been identified in areas such as fintech, infrastructure and tourism.
Other topics of discussion on Wednesday included Switzerland and Nepal's commitment to the multilateral political process, the challenges of climate change for these two mountainous countries and the situation in Europe in the run-up to the summit on peace in Ukraine on the Bürgenstock.
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