NMAC: Modernisation project
The most persistent bottleneck in North Macedonia’s economic development is the low productivity of businesses resulting in their limited capacity to offer decent jobs. Switzerland, through its Modernisation Project (MP) will tackle this by supporting the development of an ecosystem for businesses to modernize. Using business diagnostics to identify productivity bottlenecks will enable businesses to invest strategically in modernisation, leading to increased productivity, improved environmental efficiency and decent jobs.
Paese/Regione | Tema | Periodo | Budget |
Macedonia del Nord |
Impiego & sviluppo economico
Sviluppo delle piccole e medie imprese (PMI)
Supporto commerciale & inclusione economica |
- 31.10.2028 |
CHF 3’593’195
- Consultancies have the capacities and tools to diagnose businesses and offer tailored and comprehensive services and solutions.
- Businesses have access to resources for business modernisation.
- Business associations proactively support consultancies and businesses to enhance the uptake of consultancy services.
- Businesses associations proactively engage with consultancies and businesses to enhance the uptake of financial products for modernization.
- Other international or foreign NGO North
- Swisscontact
Settore in base alle categorie del Comitato di Aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell'OCSE INDUSTRIA
Sotto-Settore in base alle categorie del Comitato di Aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell'OCSE Sviluppo delle piccole e medie imprese (PMI)
Business support services and institutions
Tipo di aiuto Mandato con fondo fiduciario
Numero del progetto 7F10245
Contesto | North Macedonia currently stands at 42% of EU27 GDP per capita (EUR 6`620) and with the current growth pace it will need decades to reach European standard. The key structural barrier for growth of the economy is low productivity of the businesses, which in return are unable to offer decent jobs leaving 1/3 of the population at risk of poverty. Both the lack of know-how and expertise of SMEs, coupled with lack of experts offering proper business diagnostics to effectively identify the bottlenecks prevent an increasing productivity. The increased outmigration due to lack of decent jobs puts an additional pressure to businesses that struggle for workforce. With such stalemate situation, the full potential of the private sector to boost growth and create decent jobs remains locked in. |
Obiettivi | Modernised businesses, by enhancing productivity and supporting green transformation, contribute to more sustainable economic growth and creation of decent jobs. |
Gruppi target | MP will work through businesses, consultancies, anchor companies and business associations. The primary target group that will benefit from the interventions of the project are the small and medium sized businesses with potential for growth. The end beneficiaries of the MP, who will ultimately benefit from generating decent employment opportunities, are the employees with focus on women and youth, especially outside of the capital. |
Effetti a medio termine |
Outcome 1: Businesses strategically invest to increase their productivity and improve environmental efficiency. Outcome 2: Strong and responsive business associations engage with consultancies and businesses to enhance modernization. |
Risultati |
Risultati principali attesi: Risultati fasi precedenti: Decent employment remains a significant challenge and low productivity is one of the key factors limiting the creation of decent jobs. Low productivity of businesses is primarily a result of obsolete technology and weak management practices, further hampered by shrinking workforce. Businesses lack capabilities to properly identify and prioritize their bottlenecks (business diagnostics), which often results with ineffective investments. Ultimately the findings of the pilot intervention on business diagnostics show that MP should focus on educating the market, building local consultancies’ capacity, ensuring competitive pricing, and establishing robust follow-up mechanisms. With these elements in place, business diagnostics could become a powerful tool for driving sustainable growth and transformation of the businesses in North Macedonia. |
Direzione/Ufficio responsabile |
Partner del progetto |
Partner contrattuale ONG internazionale o straniera Organizzazione svizzera senza scopo di lucro Partner attuatore
Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori |
SDC: Increasing Market Employability, Education for Employment, Groundwater Management Use and Protection Programme, Parliament Support Programme. SECO: SIPPO, SwissEP, Light Manufacturing Other: USAID, EU Delegation, SIDA, EBRD, The World Bank Group, Fund for Innovation and Technological Development, Development Bank of North Macedonia; |
Budget | Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF 3’593’195 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF 906’244 Progetto totale dalla prima fase Budget Svizzera CHF 704’658 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF 12’193’195 |