Measures to mitigate the risk from natural hazards

Local news, 10.05.2019

In the begining of May 2019, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has organized a four-day workshop in Dushanbe on Integrating climate change, environmental sustainability and disaster risk reduction into development. The training was held jointly by the SDC Climate Change and Environment, and Disaster Risk Reduction Networks organized and hosted by the Swiss Cooperation Office Tajikistan.

CEDRIG workshop participants
CEDRIG workshop participants ©SCO Tajikistan

Head, drought, flooding, landslides or earthquakes are part of the reason why people have to leave their homes, why food security is at risk, and why economic development is staggering. In recent times, worldwide floods, permafrost melt, avalanches and glacier lake outburst floods have been intensified by climate change, and mismanagement of the environment.

Prevention pays off! To be risk-informed is the fundament for well-planned development. These issues are especially relevant for Tajikistan, a mountainous country prone to various natural hazards

More than 20 participants from the state and non-state agencies representing various regions of Tajikistan took part in the workshop and learnt how to apply a specialized tool called CEDRIG (“Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance”). CEDRIG is an instrument developed by SDC to help development and humanitarian actors reflect whether existing and planned strategies, programs and projects are at risk from climate change, environmental degradation and natural hazards, and whether these interventions could further exacerbate GHG emissions, environment degradation or risks of natural hazards.

Throughout the workshop, participants got an immersion field trip and analyzed four concrete projects on:

  • Water resources management in Syr-Darya river basin, and national water policies

  • Pasture management and civil society in the Pamirs

  • Small Business Development

  • Energy Efficient Homes in Tajikistan

One of the participants Yusuf expressed his opinion: “It is amazing when working in the group, we concluded that in a disaster prone country creating almost any infrastructure, development and business projects might be at risk from natural hazards or climate change but at the same time could have an impact on risks, climate change and environment. Therefore, CEDRIG is definitely is a very useful tool. By screening our projects with this tool, any interventions will become more resilient and smart.”