Kenya – Skills for Life Training in Kakuma

Projekt abgeschlossen

Refugee protection and integration has been a central objective of the SDC Humanitarian Aid for many years in the region. In the new regional Whole of Government strategy for the Horn of Africa within the pillar migration and protection this objective remains important. The project in Kakuma camp will develop skills that are of utmost benefit within the camp, to the youth of the host communities but also in the refugees’ country of origin, keeping in mind a possible future return.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Zwangsvertreibung (Flüchtlinge, Binnenvertriebene, Menschenhandel)
Menschenrechte (inkl. Frauenrechte)
15.04.2013 - 31.07.2016
CHF  1’289’170

Kenya is host to more than 500’000 refugees of which most are living in camps. There are two main camp locations: Dadaab in the East and Kakuma in the North of Kenya. The economy of the Kakuma area is isolated, small and stagnant. It would have collapsed years ago without relief and services implemented by UNHCR and partners by through humanitarian aid programs. Northern Kenya over the last decades has been marginalized with lack of central government support resulting in weak infrastructure, insecurity and limited livelihood and educational options. There is need to unleash the productive capacity of the refugees and build on the existing entrepreneurial activity between the host and refugee community.


The main goal of this project is to impart training in life and basic literacy and numeracy skills as well as entrepreneurial skills for both, youth within the camp and youth from Kakuma Town.


Refugee and Host community youth in Kakuma, 15 – 25 years old.

Mittelfristige Wirkungen

Partial Action 1: carry out a comprehensive market analysis of current needs for specific activities in education and preferred marketable trade skills that will benefit host and refugee youth Partial Action 2: a more resilient and educated refugee and host community youth in Kakuma Camp and Kakuma Town.

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Kreditbereich Humanitäre Hilfe
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Schweizerische Non-Profit-Organisation
  • Swisscontact
  • Swisscontact

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    1’289’170 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    1’269’123
Projektphasen Phase 2 01.07.2016 - 31.08.2019   (Completed)

Phase 1 15.04.2013 - 31.07.2016   (Completed)