Decentralization for Inclusive Development
Switzerland played an important role in mediating the Maputo Peace Accord, ending 20 years of conflict between the Frelimo government and Renamo. As part of the negotiations, the country’s constitution was amended, so that provincial governors (and later district governments) will be elected instead of appointed. The intervention supports the decentralization reform through enhancing the quality, sustainable financing and accountability of services for approximately 1 million people in Northern Mozambique.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Mozambique |
Governance Other nothemedefined
Democratic participation and civil society Domestic revenue mobilisation Public finance management Public sector policy Sector not specified |
- 31.12.2023 |
CHF 12’427’000
- HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
- Foreign private sector South/East
- United Nations Capital Developoment Fund
- United Nations Development Programme
Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY
Unallocated / Unspecified
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Decentralisation and support to subnational government (incl. accountability)
Public sector policy and administrative management
Public finance management
Domestic revenue mobilisation
Democratic participation and civil society
Public finance management
Democratic participation and civil society
Sectors not specified
Cross-cutting topics Human rights
The project supports partner organisation improvements as a priority
Aid Type Mandate without fiduciary fund
Project and programme contribution
Project number 7F10037
Background |
Mozambique began the process of decentralization in the 1990s, following the opening of political space and the end of the civil war. The decentralization reforms since the 1990’s have brought some important democratic gains with regard to political participation and inclusion - specifically female participation has increased - oversight and political pluralism. Despite a decline in poverty over the last decade, inequality and regional imbalances have increased. Welfare levels remain low in the northern and the central regions of the country compared to the South. Switzerland in its role as the main broker of the successful peace process and with its many years of successful involvement in various decentralisation and PFM projects to date, is excellently positioned for this new project. |
Objectives | Reduce inequality and improve the living conditions of women and men in the selected municipalities and districts through better service delivery thanks to improve financial governance and active participation of organized citizens in local decision-making processes. |
Target groups |
Local government from Niassa Province: - 618’000 inhabitants in 3 districts (Lago Niassa, Lichinga and Mandimba.) incl. their 3 municipalities; - 111’000 inhabitants in Cuamba municipality Local government from Nampula Province: - 393’000 inhabitants in 5 municipalities (Angoche, Malema, Monapo, Ribaué, Ilha); National Association of Municipalities Ministry of State administration and Public Service (MAEFP) Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA) |
Medium-term outcomes |
Outcome 1, Supply side: local governments improve their financial governance processes especially in terms of revenue mobilization (own resources and transfers), gender-sensitive budget planning and execution, procurement, internal control, human resources management, enable better quality services delivery that also respond to the needs of the vulnerable and disadvantaged population. Outcome 2, Demand side: citizens and particularly youth and women interact, channel demand and needs to district and municipal authorities and participate in the process of oversight and decision-making of local governments and private sector to provide basic services. Outcome 3, Policy and Advocacy: Policies at provincial and national levels are influenced and strengthened. |
Results |
Expected results: Supply Side: - Improved financial governance in selected municipalities; - Gender-sensitive & local adaptation mainstreamed in decentralized planning and budgeting; - Decentralized resilient investments and services delivered and managed efficiently, effectively and transparently. Demand Side: - Women and men aware of their civic rights and duties and demanding greater accountability; - Constructive and regular dialogue between subnational government and citizens (women and men). Learning and policy influence: - Good practices, lessons learned and success stories disseminated i.a. in Civil Servant Training Institutes; - Dialogue spaces between local governments at provincial level promoted; - Dialogue between local and national level promoted. Results from previous phases: - Focusing on sustainable capacity building in key technical areas of municipal development and governance; - Providing financial means to municipal budgets for investment and infrastructure is a means for capacity building, not an end in itself; - Performance-based financing facility enhances municipal ownership, capacity and creativity; - lmproved quality of demand by citizens for municipal services contributed to an improved management of municipal investments, construction and maintenance of infrastructures. |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Credit area |
Development cooperation |
Project partners |
Contract partner Private sector Foreign state institution Swiss Non-profit Organisation United Nations Organization (UNO) Other partners Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) |
Coordination with other projects and actors |
- Government at the national, provincial and district level; - Provincial programs of the World Bank (WB), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United Kingdom (UKaid); - Key actors in the sector: WB, United Nation Development Programme, International Monetary Fund (IMF), UK Aid, Irish Aid, USAID; - Swiss Development Cooperation health programme in Niassa; - Swiss State Secretariat for Economy (SECO) programme in PFM with IMF - Thematic working groups on Governance , Decentralisation, and Public finance management |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 12’427’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 12’324’966 |
Project phases |
- 31.12.2025
(Current phase)
Phase 1 01.08.2019 - 31.12.2023 (Completed) |