Global challenges require global responses. The SDC's global programmes make a significant contribution to tackling global challenges such as climate change, and help specialists network with one another.
Global programmes
The SDC has five global programmes:
- Climate, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Environment
- Food Systems
- Migration and Forced Displacement
- Water
- Health
Fuelling innovation
The SDC carries out practical projects which have an influence on regional and international policy. It fosters innovation in technology, in the application of new technologies and in forms of cooperation.
Its projects and programmes take a global approach and set priorities in a selection of countries and regions. Key selection criteria are effectiveness, complementarity with other actors, and the political will and the role of the country concerned in solving these problems.
In terms of climate change, the SDC works together with emerging economic powers including China, India and South Africa. These emerging economies, given their rapid rate of growth, will in future be among the biggest consumers of energy and have shown that they are willing to help solve global energy and environmental problems. Moreover, any political measures taken by major economies have far-reaching consequences well beyond their national borders.
Sharing know-how
The experience gained by the SDC and its partners is incorporated in the Global Programmes. Specialists are organised into networks in specific fields, promoting the exchange and development of know-how. In so doing, the SDC is making an important contribution to building networks of representatives from the world of politics, public administration, the private sector, research and civil society. These partnerships also lead to innovative and viable solutions, and increase the effectiveness of international cooperation.