Publications (329)
Swiss cooperation programme North Macedonia 2021-2024

Switzerland has been supporting North Macedonia’s political, social and economic transition since 1992. Today, it ranks among North Macedonia’s largest bilateral cooperation partners.
Kooperationsprogramm Ausstiegsprogramm Kuba 2022-2024

Das vorliegende Kooperationsprogramm 2022–2024 plant den Ausstieg der langjährigen bilateralen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der DEZA aus Kuba. Dies ist gemäss dem Entscheid des schweizerischen Parlaments von 2020, die bilateralen Mittel für Lateinamerika bis 2024 schrittweise auf die Regionen Nordafrika, Mittlerer Osten und Subsahara-Afrika zu verlagern.
Swiss cooperation programme South Caucasus Region 2022-2025

Swiss Cooperation Programme Bangladesh 2022-25

The Swiss Cooperation Programme for Bangladesh 2022–25 builds upon lessons learnt from 50 years of partnership focused on empowering the most vulnerable segments of the population and promoting gender equality. Switzerland will continue supporting Bangladesh on its journey to graduate from the least developed country category and to progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals, whilst leaving no one behind.
Swiss cooperation programme for Central Asia 2022-2025

Peace, social cohesion and prosperity in Central Asia constitute an essential aim of Swiss foreign policy. Switzerland’s engagement in the region began in the 1990s after four Central Asian States joined the Swiss-led voting groups at the World Bank Group, the IMF, and the EBRD, and it has expanded ever since.
Swiss Cooperation Programme Serbia 2022-2025

Swiss Cooperation Programme Sudan 2022-2025

Swiss Cooperation Programme Sudan 2022-25
Un seul monde 4/2021

Research plays a central role in reducing poverty and environmental damage. Especially in the area of food security, researchers contribute to great successes - and yet face huge challenges.
Global Programme Migration and Forced Displacement

The GPMFD Programme Framework 2022–25 (Global Programme Migration and Forced Displacement) illustrates the division's commitment to address the root causes of forced displacement and irregular migration. Conflict prevention and climate change mitigation will be as important as the protection of displacement-affected communities in their region of origin and the creation of sustainable prospects for people in the Global South.
Swiss Cooperation Programme North Macedonia 2021-24

Un seul monde 3/2021

The sharp increase in climate shocks is threatening the lives of millions of people in the Global South. While these countries contributed least to global warming they are already bearing the biggest brunt. Project examples demonstrate how humanitarian aid and development cooperation can operate in conjunction to assist the most vulnerable in adapting to the new climate reality.
Swiss Development Assistance: statistics 2019

This publication consists of six tables providing an overview of public development assistance (Swiss Confederation, cantons, communes) and private grants (NGOs) from Switzerland in 2019, by recipient country and by organization. It also includes a list of the main projects by country.