UN CC:Learn – The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership – Phase V

UN CC:Learn is the partnership of key multilateral organizations assisting member states in designing and implementing learning to address climate change. It supports countries in developing national strategies and designs and promotes learning materials to strengthen human resources and skills for climate resilient-development and global climate literacy. Switzerland’s focus therein is on further advancing the youth component and strengthening the sustainability aspects of the initiative.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Climate change and environment
Education policy
Energy policy
Public sector policy
15.09.2021 - 31.12.2025
CHF  4’000’000
Background Climate education is crucial for raising the ambition we need to address the existential threat of climate change. UN CC:Learn is the innovative climate change learning platform with 36 multilateral partners working together to help countries build the knowledge and skills they need to take additional action on climate change. It represents a unique joint and well-coordinated effort that is able to bring to the table the capacities and experiences of relevant UN agencies and a multitude of partners.
Objectives By 2030, improved education, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning and increased countries‘ capacities for effective climate change related planning and management, in developing and in transition countries, focusing on women, youth, indigenous, local and marginalized communities.
Target groups Governments in developing and in transition countries committed to taking a strategic approach to climate change learning; national and regional education and training institutions interested in strengthening their capacities to deliver climate change learning; youth interested in participating in climate policy discussions and in driving climate action; professionals interested in taking climate change into account in their respective fields; other citizens willing to strengthen climate literacy and become influencers in their communities and households.
Medium-term outcomes

1) Assist partner countries in establishing their NDCs and NAPs, promoting intersectional and coordinated climate change action through a coordinated approach to education and learning;

2) Support to national education and training institutions in the adoption of climate change education in their curricula;

3) Strengthen youth capacity and youth networks to actively participate and take informed action for climate change;

4) Provide free learning resources available to the public in multiple formats (including accessible to persons with disability), which support understanding, awareness, and motivation to change attitudes and behaviours in matters related to climate change.


Expected results:   Relevant officials receive technical and financial support to take a strategic approach to climate change learning in support of NAP/NDC implementation; regional platforms are strengthened to support knowledge sharing and best practices; cross-sectoral inclusive national dialogue on integration of climate change into the curricula and education system is facilitated; education and training institutions are provided with tools and resources to promote climate change education; youth have increased knowledge base and skills set on climate change; citizens and professions have access to learning resources supporting them in taking climate action.

Results from previous phases:   UN CC:Learn supported its nine key partner countries in developing and implementing national climate change learning strategies and took on board four new countries. UN CC:Learn has further strengthened support to the regional hub in Central America and launched a new regional hub in West Africa. Its offer of free online courses was significantly expanded with more than 37 courses now available, currently accessed by over 430’000 registered participants and with over 135’000 highly cost-effective certificates (cost of less than 20 USD per certificate) issued. 

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research
  • The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) as the principal training arm of the UN System with a focus on SDG implementation in least developed countries and countries in special situations; UNITAR hosts the UN CC:Learn Secretariat.

Coordination with other projects and actors Through its host organization UNITAR, UN CC:Learn is well connected to all major global initiatives and activities linked to climate change learning and awareness raising. UNITAR and its 35 multilateral partners work closely with international and national bi- and multilateral actors at all levels. To further scale-up its activities, the UN CC:Learn secretariat will strengthen coordination and synergies with the UNDP NDC Support Programme and the Climate Promise, and UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development for 2030 efforts.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    4’000’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    3’500’000
Project phases Phase 5 15.09.2021 - 31.12.2025   (Current phase) Phase 4 01.09.2017 - 31.05.2021   (Completed) Phase 3 01.03.2014 - 31.08.2017   (Completed)