
The Skateistan programme offers quality educational, sport and recreational opportunities to Afghan children and youth from low-income families, street working children, and children with disabilities. The programme facilitates the reintegration of out-of-school children into the formal public school system. Switzerland supports the Skateistan programme to contribute to create equitable, safe, and conducive learning opportunities especially for girls and marginalized children. 

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Primary education
Basic life skills
15.12.2020 - 31.03.2025
CHF  870’000
Background Afghanistan has been in a protracted crisis for more than four decades. Ongoing conflicts and instability in Afghanistan have led to limited educational opportunities for many children. Poverty, internal displacement and the current COVID-19 pandemic worsen the educational situation. Socio-cultural factors and traditional beliefs also contribute to undermining the girl’s education. Currently, an estimate of 3.7 million school-aged children are out-of-school, 60% of whom are girls. Literacy rates are 50% for boys and 18% for girls, which remain amongst the lowest in the world. Primary school completion rates are estimated at 56% for boys and 30% for girls. Physical education is essential to the development of motor skills and the physical health, however, in Afghanistan, it is a low priority in public school curriculums and girls are often excluded from participating in these activities. The majority of sports fields in Afghan cities are private, meaning that although they are technically open for girls, the lack of privacy prevents girls from using them. The National Education Strategic Plan III of the Ministry of Education specifies that there is still much to do concerning gender equity, girl’s education and improving access, effectiveness and efficiency. In the past, efforts of the government and donors were directed at improving access, but the low quality of education is increasingly recognized as a problem. Switzerland has been supporting the education sector in Afghanistan since 2003 and has been a strong promoter of access to quality education, gender and human rights. Furthermore, Switzerland has been contributing to the Skateistan programme since 2017. 
Objectives Children and young people in Afghanistan (Kabul, Mazar-e Sharif and Bamyan) have improved and safe access to high quality and relevant learning and recreational/sporting opportunities, especially girls and women.
Target groups

The programme aims to provide up to 6,543 Afghan children between 5 to 17 years old, of which 50% being girls, quality education in Kabul, Mazar-e Sharif and Bamyan.

A special focus will be given to including children from low socio-economic backgrounds and children with disabilities, but this does not mean that children from other backgrounds are excluded.

Medium-term outcomes

-Marginalized and out-of-school children and youth gain new skills, access to education and leadership opportunities in a safe and friendly environment.

-National staff have increased professional skills sets to deliver programmes to children from marginalized groups (migrants/IDPs and people with disabilities). 


Expected results:  

-Children gain formal academic (government) education skills including literacy and numeracy.

-Children gain employment-based life skills

-National staff are provided with relevant training and mentoring (internal and external).

Results from previous phases:  

-1,929 (44% girls) are active members of Skateistan’s sport and educational programmes in Kabul and Mazar-e Sharif.

-97% of the participants reported that they have learned a new skill in the programme, besides skateboarding.

-The number of “Back-to-School” (BTS) graduates since the start of the project phase in mid-2017 reached to 467. 90% of them were enrolled into public schools and continue formal education 

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
  • Other international or foreign NGO North

Coordination with other projects and actors

-Ministry of Education

-Physical Education Directorate

-Afghan National Olympic Committee

-Swedish Committee for Afghanistan


-German Federal Foreign Office

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    870’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    674’602 Total project since first phase Budget inclusive project partner CHF   4’430’000
Project phases Phase 2 15.12.2020 - 31.03.2025   (Current phase) Phase 1 01.08.2017 - 31.12.2020   (Completed)