Global Program for Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property (IP) regimes are central to promoting innovation and the development of new goods, services and production methods. IP provides the incentive necessary to pursue further research and development, and creative works. Insofar, it is part of a sound foundation for a prosperous private sector and today's world trade system.
Región/País | Período | Presupuesto |
Albania Colombia A nivel mundial Marruecos Túnez Sudáfrica |
- 31.12.2025 |
CHF 10’000’000
Número de proyecto UR01168
Contexto |
Under the World Trade Organization, there is a dedicated agreement regarding IP, the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. IP is an important topic in trade negotiations to create a level playing field for all actors involved and to ensure that pirated goods do not use legitimate trading channels. In order to facilitate the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement, developed countries, including Switzerland, committed to provide technical and financial cooperation in favor of developing and least developed countries. This program is SECO's response to this commitment. |
Objetivos |
The overall goal of the Global Program for Intellectual Property Rights is to contribute to an improved IP regime in our partner countries. While IP offices in our partner countries may be the direct beneficiaries of the program, the private sector should eventually benefit from more efficient and effective protection of IP rights to support economic development. The program continues to foresee close cooperation with the Swiss IP office to provide valuable support by peers. It focus on the following area of support: i) Advise on IP policy, strategy and legislation for all IP rights- ii) Focus on improved IP administration and good governance- iii) Enable owners in the use of IP rights- iv) Improve enforcement of the IP rights- and v) Facilitation of knowledge and technology transfer. The program includes technical cooperation projects in selected partner countries, need-based short-term support, and non country-specific assistance on strategic IP-issues. |
Efectos a medio plazo |
IP-projects are efficiently implemented Support to strengthening the IP regime remains relevant in line with national priorities Positioning of IP-issues is strengthened in Swiss economic development cooperation and cooperation with IPI adds value to interventions in the area of trade promotion Performance and sustainability of SECO projects/program is enhanced For country-specific technical cooperation projects, individual outcomes inferred from the relevant topics for this country will be defined and monitored. The may relate to i) compatibility of IPR-system with international best practices and rules- ii) establishment of well-functioning IP offices and efficient administration and strengthened procedures- iii) improved competitiveness of protected products and capitalization of IP assets by the right holders- iv) strengthened enforcement and border protection- and v) increased knowledge and technology transfer. |
Resultados |
Resultados previstos: Implementation of ongoing projects run smoothly Effective application of the twinning modality Lessons learnt from previous projects inform the design of other projects SECO's capacity to respond to IP-requests and issues is strengthened Flexible support to emerging IPR-issues is provided For country-specific technical cooperation projects, individual outputs contributing to the selected outcome for the country cooperation will be defined. Resultados de las fases anteriores: In Vietnam, Switzerland played an active role in modernizing IP administration. Viet Nam established an own IP Institute, which serves as a competence center on IP. Public awareness has significantly increased. Moreover, data on over 2’000 medical plants have been accessible through a database on traditional knowledge and over 12 Geographical Indications registered. In Indonesia, previous support built capacity in the area of IP policy-making, international negotiations, and on counterfeiting and piracy. The registration of 4 products as geographical indication and the creation of a national GI-association was also supported. In Ghana, material for IPR for judges was created and training conducted, which contributed to the strengthening of enforcement of IP policy. In Colombia, the development of a national policy on knowledge and technology transfer and the support to the creation of regional innovation clusters improved the innovation capacity of the country. |
Dirección / Officina Federal responsable |
Crédito |
Cooperación al desarrollo |
Presupuesto | Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF 10’000’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF 0 Presupuesto inclusive contrapartes del proyecto CHF 10’000’000 |
Fases del proyecto | Fase 1 01.03.2018 - 31.12.2025 (Fase en curso) |