Empowering Media in Tanzania

BBC Media Action presenter Melissa Michael
BBC Media Action presenter Melissa Michael © FDFA/Magali Rochat

Citizens and governments rely on media to stay informed, communicate and be held accountable. Quality issues, revenue challenges, a difficult legal environment and security concerns limit the capacity of the Tanzanian media to play this role effectively. The Empowering Media Tanzania Program builds on long standing Swiss experience and works through contributions to six local and international media support partners to improve media quality, journalism security and content provided to young Tanzanian women. 

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Medios y libertad de información
Participación democrática y sociedad civil
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024
CHF  6’381’145
Contexto Once a beacon of freedom of expression in East Africa, press freedom has been in decline in Tanzania in recent years. Media is no longer capable to hold those in power to account due to a represseive legal environment. The safety of journalists has suffered. At the same time, Tanzanian media is facing similar structural challenges as media elswhere whereby traditional business models, relying on advertising, are eroding. Media consumption and revenue models are moving online, often to international competitors. As a result, Tanzanians are left with a wide variety of struggling media outlets, many of which produce low quality content produced by poorly qualified and paid journalists who live in fear.
Objetivos To contribute to  free, independent and professional media in Tanzania which provides timely and relevant information to citizens.
Grupos destinarios The direct target group is media practitioners which include reporters, editors, managers and owners of media houses. Audiences in general, and women in particular, are the ultimate beneficiaries, totalling approximately three million men and women.
Efectos a medio plazo
  1. Media, including community radios and news media, report on matters of public interest while adhering to professional standards and are financially sustainable.
  2. Media practitioners in Tanzania have access to a safety and protection mechanism as they practice their profession, thus upholding press freedom, safeguarding human rights and strengthening democracy in Tanzania.
  3. Audiences, in particular young women and girls, are empowered to make their own decisions regarding their social, economic and political rights.  

Resultados previstos:  

  • Technical assistance and training to media houses and journalists on quality content and financial sustainability.
  • Setting up of legal, digital and physical security services and psycho-social support for journalists.
  • Broadcast and posting of media content that focuses on gender issues, rights and facts.

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

  • 77% of Tanzanian media consumers perceive media as informative.
  • 51% of respondents (both male and female) to SDC perception survey in 2019 believe media influence decision making in allocation of resources in their localities.
  • 88% of Tanzania Media Foundation’s grantees have reported a revenue increase of more than 20%.
  • Young women and men exposed to BBC Niambie programme said they learned that men and women have equal rights to share their opinions and that asking questions of their leaders helps in attaining civic rights.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Crédito Cooperación al desarrollo
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
ONG internacional o extranjera
Sector privado
Institución estatal extrangera
Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Sector privado extranjero Sur/Este
  • Sub-National State SouthEast
  • Commission suisse pour l’UNESCO

Otras contrapartes
UNESCO, Tanzania Media Foundation (TMF), University of Dar Es Salam (UDSM), International Media Support (IMS) and British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Media Action
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores Governance’s Social Accountability Program (SAP), Health Program System Strengthening (HPSS) and Employment and income’s youth projects.
Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    6’381’145 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    5’521’209
Fases del proyecto Fase 2 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024   (Fase en curso) Fase 1 01.08.2014 - 28.02.2021   (Completed)