Decentralization for Improved Democratic Education (DECIDE)
Decentralisation and education reforms are key components to the ongoing national reforms that need to be pursued in a coordinated manner. Capitalizing on experience in decentralisation reform and in citizenship education, Switzerland will support the development of efficient, transparent and participatory education governance in rural areas of Ukraine, where it will aim at fostering trust between local authorities and citizens through improved education service and greater civic engagement of youth.
Región/País | Tema | Período | Presupuesto |
Ucrania |
Educación Governance Formación profesional nothemedefined
Política de educación
Descentralización Formación profesional Participación democrática y sociedad civil |
- 31.05.2025 |
CHF 15’125’260
- National, regional and local authorities effectively implement sectoral decentralization with a focus on education governance.
- Schoolboys/girls and their parents benefit from inclusive democratic school governance and active civic engagement in amalgamated territorial communities.
- Effective models of education management are developed and implemented in target regions in an inclusive and participatory way.
- Thematically and institutionally strengthened local self-government associations provide systematic guidance on decentralized education governance to their members across Ukraine.
- Government of Ukraine in a coordinated manner implements decentralization in education governance.
Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE EDUCACIÓN
Sub-Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE Política educativa y gestión administrativa
Formación profesional
Descentralización / gobernanza local / democratización / rendición de cuentas
Política educativa y gestión administrativa
Participación democrática y sociedad civil
Política educativa y gestión administrativa
Descentralización / gobernanza local / democratización / rendición de cuentas
Temas transversales Derechos humanos
Tipo de ayuda Mandato con fondos fiduciarios
Mandato sin fondos fiduciarios
Número de proyecto 7F09557
Contexto |
The finalization of Ukraine’s decentralization reform, planned for 2020, foresees major administrativeterritorial transformations. This process will pose challenges in alignment and synchronization with other socially important sectoral reforms, in particular the education reform. While the amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) in rural areas receive important new competences and responsibilities in education governance, they often lack the necessary capacities to fulfil these roles. Moreover, there are no formalized models of efficient sector governance at local and regional level. This leads to an unclear division of labour between regional, subregional authorities and local self-governments. As a result, the education system is unable to deliver fair and high quality learning outcomes across the country, leaving behind schoolchildren in rural areas. |
Objetivos | Citizens of amalgamated territorial communities contribute to and equally benefit from democratic governance and high quality education. |
Grupos destinarios |
Local: rural communities, in particular schoolchildren and their parents, educators, civil society organizations, private businesses, local authorities; Regional/sub-regional: oblast and rayon authorities, regional centers for training of civil servants, in-service teacher training institutes; National: Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Communities and Territories Development, all-Ukrainian local self-government associations, donors active in the Decentralization Donor Board. |
Efectos a medio plazo |
Resultados |
Resultados previstos: Resultados de las fases anteriores: DOCCU, single phase (2013-2018): - 47’000 public servants trained for citizenship competences reoriented their work towards quality service provision and citizens engagement. - 90’000 educators in 8 target regions were trained on democratic citizenship education strengthening transparency and accountability in school governance and involving 1.2 million pupils into daily democratic practices. - EDC/HRE training programs were officially adopted in eight regional in-service teacher training institutes. DESPRO, phases 1-4 (2007-2019): - Over 280’000 citizens in rural territories benefitted from participatory decision-making and improved access to public services (in particular water supply and sanitaion, waste management). |
Dirección / Officina Federal responsable |
Crédito |
Cooperación con Europa del Este |
Contrapartes del proyecto |
Contraparte del contrato ONG internacional o extranjera Otras contrapartes A consortium of the Ukrainian NGO “DOCCU” (leading partner) and the Zurich University of Teacher Education. Given the specific request from the Government of Ukraine to continue its successful cooperation with these institutions previously working on the DOCCU Project (2013-2018), and recognizing their unique mutually complementing expertise and capacity, a tender exemption was sought to directly award this mandate. |
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores |
• Support to Decentralization in Ukraine DESPRO (information and communication on education decentralization); • DESPRO, UNDP Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme and Livelihood Assistance Programme by DRC (joint area-based programmatic support to communities in Luhansk region); • E-Governance for Accountability and Participation –EGAP (development of e-tools for democratic school governance), • Other international donor funded projects coordinating in Donor Board Working Group on Education, e.g. U-LEAD with Europe (EU), DOBRE (USAID), and Swedish-Ukrainian Project Support to Decentralization (SKL). |
Presupuesto | Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF 15’125’260 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF 14’519’645 |
Fases del proyecto | Fase 1 01.01.2020 - 31.05.2025 (Fase en curso) |