Los informes anuales presentan una selección de los resultados obtenidos y muestran cómo la cooperación internacional de Suiza ha contribuido a resolver problemas locales, regionales y globales en las diferentes regiones del mundo. Desde 2017, el informe anual se publica únicamente en formato digital.
Informes anuales
La cooperación internacional de Suiza – Informe anual 2022
La cooperación internacional de Suiza – Informe anual 2021
La cooperación internacional de Suiza – Informe anual 2020
Publications (20)
Annual Report 2007 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2006 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2005 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2004 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2003 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2002 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2001 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2000 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Informes anuales sobre la contribución a la ampliación
Desde 2008, también se publica un informe sobre los resultados de los proyectos en los nuevos Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, que han sido posibles gracias a la contribución suiza a la ampliación de la UE.