Boosting collective action for improved water quality management

Using a water stewardship approach, the programme aims to improve the quality and management of water as a shared resource, while ensuring sustainable business development in the Greater Mekong Region. In this 2nd phase, Switzerland will continue to support the World Wide Fund for Nature’s engagement with small and medium enterprises as well as other stakeholders, to reduce water pollution and improve water governance at river basin level.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Emploi & développement économique
Conservation des ressources en eau
Politique du secteur de l’eau
Développement de petites et moyennes entreprises
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2028
CHF  1’850’000
Contexte Globally, water resources are significantly threatened by human activities and impacts from climate change. This is particularly notable in Asia and as a result, many rivers in the region are grossly polluted by human activities. The Mekong River supports the livelihood of more than 60 million people living in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. It is also considered the largest river to feed vast numbers of people relying on it for nutritional needs. Yet water quality is becoming dramatically degraded from upstream to downstream in many parts of the basin and evidence indicates that the diversity and productivity of freshwater species and ecosystems is also adversely affected. While SMEs are the backbone of the Greater Mekong region's economies, their aggregated impacts on water often exceed those of larger businesses.
Objectifs SMEs in the Greater Mekong Region improve their water management, reduce pollution and collectively contribute to improved water governance at basin level.
Groupes cibles
  • Textile and garment SMEs
  • Food & beverage SMEs
  • Aquaculture SMEs and smallholders
  • SME associations and industrial park operators
  • Women's unions, youth unions, as well as community CSO groups and their networks
  • Mekong River Commission (MRC) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Working Group for Water Resource Management
Effets à moyen terme
  1. By 2027, water stewardship involving SMEs has been promoted as an important water governance approach throughout the Greater Mekong Region
  2. By 2027, target SMEs (textile, food and beverages, aquaculture) apply practices and technologies to improve water efficiency and reduce water pollution
  3. By 2027, collective action has resulted in improved policy (implementation) and pollution education at scale using nature-based solutions (NbS)

Principaux résultats attendus:  

  • By 2026, target SMEs are strengthened with technical capacity to implement internal actions to improve water quality and efficient uses of water in production systems
  • By 2026, Industrial parks are strengthened with technical capacity to adopt water stewardship and reduce pollution
  • By 2027, Nature-based Solutions are adopted to reduce pollution in water bodies receiving industrial wastewater discharge in the Greater Mekong Region
  • By 2027, water stewardship initiatives involving SMEs have been established in 2 additional countries in the region (Cambodia, Laos or Thailand)

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

  • 25 SMEs have collectively saved 3 million cubic meters of water annually in Vietnam. On average, these SMEs achieved a 20% reduction in water usage
  • An Environmental Management Plan handbook and training were provided to 30 SMEs in Yangon and 12 local SMEs in Mandalay
  • Over 1’300 women workers benefited from awareness training and resulting improved working conditions
  • 15 local CSOs enabled the measuring and monitoring of water pollution in their communities and mobilized capacities to more than 200 community members across Yangon, Mandalay and Ayeyarwady regions

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
ONG internationale ou étrangère
Secteur privé
  • Secteur privé suisse
  • WWF International

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs
  • Promoting Water Stewardship 2030: WWF works closely with one of the program partners (AWS)
  • SDC Contribution to the Green Climate Fund
  • SDC Regional Hub in Bangkok, COOFs in the region and Swiss Embassy in Vietnam
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    1’850’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    205’650 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF   6’743’311 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF   8’871’000
Phases du projet Phase 2 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2028   (Phase en cours)