Développement du secteur privé et services financiers

Le secteur privé joue un rôle-clé dans les pays en développement. © DDC/Suzanne Linder

Le chômage et le sous-emploi figurent parmi les problèmes de développement les plus graves que connaissent les pays partenaires de la DDC. Or, un meilleur accès à un emploi productif et convenablement rémunéré s’avère indispensable si l’on veut durablement réduire la pauvreté mondiale et réaliser les objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies.

Développement du secteur privé

En tant que moteur de la croissance économique, le secteur privé joue un rôle clé en faveur du développement durable.

L'emploi des jeunes

La formation professionnelle des jeunes doit être adaptée au marché de l’emploi.

Développement du secteur financier

Faciliter l’accès des ménages pauvres, des paysans et des PME aux services financiers peut renforcer leur participation à la vie économique et réduire ainsi leur vulnérabilité face aux crises.

Projets actuels

Objet 1 – 12 de 312

Economy and Education Backstopping

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2029

SDC’s thematic section Economy and Education (E+E), including the Competence Centre for Engagement with the Private Sector (CEP), is in charge of knowledge management as well as internal strategic and operational advice in the areas of Private sector development, Vocational skills development, Basic education and for the private sector engagement. The backstopping system of E+E provides specialised external thematic expertise which will improve the planning and implementation of SDC’s projects. 

Rural Small and Medium Enterprises Development in Georgia Phase 2

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

Rural Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Georgia face significant challenges that hinder their access  to  capital,  technology  adoption  and  entry  into  new  markets.  This  project  leverages Switzerland's expertise in finance and SMEs to address these issues. The aim is to strengthen the resilience and growth of SMEs by improving their access to a wider range of better business support services, ultimately increasing income and employment opportunities for rural women and men. 

Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees

01.12.2024 - 31.12.2027

Today, most migrants and refugees find protection and opportunities in cities, and cities are at the forefront of fostering inclusive communities. The Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees al-lows for cities’ innovative ideas to foster migrants’ contribution to the sustainable development of their host cities. The project follows the IC strategy’s thematic priority on migration, strengthening cooperation with local actors, and builds on SDCs leading engagement in urban migration.

Programme d’appui à la commercialisation du bétail en Afrique de l’Ouest Phase 2 (PACBAO-2)

01.11.2024 - 31.10.2028

La Suisse poursuit son appui à la Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest-CEDEAO et aux acteurs privés de la filière bétail-viande entamé en 2018, pour faciliter les échanges commerciaux dans trois corridors reliant pays sahéliens (Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Tchad) et pays côtiers (Nigeria, Bénin, Togo, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire). L’objectif final est une augmentation de la sécurité alimentaire, des emplois et revenus des éleveurs et commerçants, au bénéfice d’un million de personnes.

Water Access Acceleration Fund (W2AF)

01.11.2024 - 31.10.2034

Innovative collaboration with the private sector is needed to achieve SDG 6. The Water Access Acceleration Fund (W2AF) is the first “impact first” private equity fund aiming at enhancing access to safe and affordable drinking water by investing in innovative water companies in developing countries primarily  in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. By providing an exchange rate currency risk absorption mechanism, Switzerland supports investments in least developed countries (LDCs) where the investment gap is the biggest and fosters its role as a provider of innovative finance in support of the SDGs. 

Phase 1, ADB Frontier, single phase

01.11.2024 - 31.10.2028

In Cambodia and Laos, young fast-growing SMEs are incremental to transform local economies. However, perceived as risky and operating in small frontier markets, the finance sector doesn’t invest in them the capital to further grow. This contribution aims to close this gap and demonstrate the viability of investments through adapted financial products and technical assistance, while creating employment, developing the market, and driving gender- and climate inclusive growth.

Women’s Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus (WEE)

01.09.2024 - 31.08.2026

Switzerland has been successfully supporting women and their businesses in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan since 2017. In this final phase of the project, Switzerland aims to institutionalize gender-related policies at national and local levels, build the capacities of the governmental and non-governmental partners to continue promoting women's empowerment and encourage the private sector to support more women in the formal economy.

Increasing Market Employability (IME)

01.09.2024 - 31.12.2026

North Macedonia’s economy is characterised by persistently slow growth rates as a result of low productivity due to outdated practices and scarce labour force due to high emigration. To address this, Switzerland, through its Increasing Market Employability project, supports small and medium-sized enterprises in sustainable agribusiness and tourism to become more competitive and environmentally sustainable by improving their products and services, while creating decent employment. The duration of the project is extended until 31.12.2026.

Tajikistan UNDRR - Strengthening Resilience to Disasters and Climate Change in Tajikistan (SRDCT)

01.09.2024 - 28.02.2026

Tajikistan is highly vulnerable to natural hazards and climate impacts, thus strengthening resilience needed as fundament for sustainable development. The intervention will contribute to (i) sustainable and effective mechanisms and instruments to improve risk governance through the national DRR platform,  (ii) improved risk knowledge through robust loss data collection and recording, and (iii) preparedness measures through support to multi-hazard Early Warning Systems and risk information.   

Socio-Economic Integration of Refugees in Armenia - SEIRA

01.09.2024 - 31.08.2027

Switzerland will continue supporting Armenia in integrating refugees from Nagorno Karabakh into society while improving social cohesion and economic prospects in remote rural areas of the country. By contributing to activities of the UN World Food Programme and of a local NGO, it will support 1’500 refugee- and vulnerable local households towards sustainable development facilitating the transition from humanitarian aid to long-term development.

Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine 2 (PFRU-2)

01.08.2024 - 31.12.2027

The Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine (PFRU) unites eight development partners (UK, US, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Estonia and the Netherlands) and the Government of Ukraine to strengthen communities and government legitimacy through improved services, economic recovery and strengthened civil society. With its contribution, Switzerland can shape the development and deployment of an innovative multi-donor financing instrument in Ukraine to support its resilience and early recovery.

Programme de Protection et Promotion Sociale Réactive aux Chocs (PROMES)

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027

PROMES vise à renforcer la résilience de la population vulnérable d’Haiti. Une contribution de la Suisse au Programme Alimentaire Mondial permet de déployer un filet de protection sociale déjà testé et développé conjointement avec les autorités locales dans un nouveau département. En appuyant une ONG locale, le programme va consolider les résultats de la phase 1 dans le Sud-Est. Au niveau local dans le Sud, PROMES permettra d’améliorer les capacités de relèvement financier rapide en cas de catastrophes.

Objet 1 – 12 de 312