RésEAU cum Aguasan (formerly SDC Water Network RésEAU’)

Water security is a key prerequisite of sustainable development and for achieving the Agenda 2030. Herein SDC’s Water Network ‘RésEAU’ plays a key role in supporting efforts towards a water secure world by strengthening the required thematic expertise, helping to better capitalize key learnings and supporting transformational change in line with the new Bill 2021-2024. The next phase of the RésEAU will allow to be ‘fit for purpose’ and to better respond to future challenges and opportunities.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Politica del settore idrico
01.10.2020 - 30.09.2025
CHF  3’500’000
Contesto Water related issues play a key role in SDC’s endeavour to achieve its overall goal of poverty reduction and sustainable development. For many years, Aguasan and the RésEAU have been supporting SDC and its partners through thematic expertise in interventions related to water. In the new phase, the RésEAU will provide a more consolidated and comprehensive support to SDC and its key partners to help implement the new Bill and to promote systemic and transformational change towards implementing the Agenda 2030.
Obiettivi The RésEAU contributes – through knowledge capitalization, generation and sharing, through capacity strengthening and through thematic expertise - to an increased water secure and sustainable development supported by SDC. Furthermore, the RésEAU promotes systemic and transformational change benefitting the implementation of the Agenda 2030 with a particular emphasis on the SDG 6 to ensure the availability, accessibility and the sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Gruppi target

-    Members of SDC’s Water Network ‘RésEAU’ i.e. close to 500 people          including thematic staff of SDC and the Federal Administration
    (currently about 1/4 of the constituency).

-   SDC’s implementing and strategic partners ready to share thematic
     expertise and promote policy dialogue and influence at all levels

Effetti a medio termine

The newly denominated ‘RésEAU cum Aguasan’ will continue to secure the successful services provided so far AND integrate two other connected action lines i.e. ‘Backstopping Mandate on Water (7F-03888.09) and Aguasan (7F-02074.08). This is a milestone to enhance synergies, reduce administrative burden and better comply with the new Management System of the Swiss Confederation.

The three key objectives are to:

1) secure thematic quality work of SDC and its implementing partners by nurturing e.g. the Aguasan Community of Practice (CoP) and providing top nudge thematic expertise;

2) promote innovative ways of capitalization, knowledge sharing, training and anticipative thinking (e.g. foresight analysis);

3) provide demand driven support to the regional networks (Sub-RésEAUs) to create ownership, promote self-initiative, and increase the impact of GPW’s/SDC’s water related interventions.


Risultati principali attesi:  

-    Relevant Communities of Practice (CoPs),
     deliver or have access to quality thematic work.

-    Global and regional thematic workshops
     and other events are organized and successfully
     held that allow capitalizing, share knowledge
     and strengthening thematic expertise.

-   Learning journeys, webinars and other capacity
    strengthening efforts are undertaken and used
    by RésEAU members as well as other concerned
    internal and external staff.

-    Regional networks (Sub-RésEAUs) are pro-active
     and implement own demand- and need-driven
     activities for the benefit of water issues in the
     respective regions.

Risultati fasi precedenti:  

The RésEAU:

-    continuously evolved towards a dynamic community of
     practitioners that helped to further the sector knowledge
     and drive the water sector development from the national
     to the global level;

-   promoted knowledge exchange and networking, helped
    to share latest knowledge and connected experts in particular
    via the annual Aguasan workshops and meetings;

-    supported the documentation, capitalization and
     dissemination of experiences and best practices for
     the benefit of its members, SDC and key operational
     and strategic partners;

-    introduced innovative communication approaches
     and secured the maintenance of regular sharing tools
     such as the Shareweb

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Economia privata
  • Settore privato straniero Nord
  • Settore privato svizzero

Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori This new RésEAU phase will deliberately integrate two other separate but closely interlinked action lines i.e. the Backstopping Mandate on Water (BSM) and the AGUASAN CoP. This consolidation will allow increasing synergies, reducing administrative burden and complying with the new Management System of the Federal Administration by solely incorporating the ‘Transferkredit’ budget items
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    3’500’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    2’411’059
Fasi del progetto Fase 4 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2025   (Fase in corso) Fase 3 01.01.2018 - 30.11.2021   (Completed) Fase 1 01.04.2011 - 31.03.2012   (Completed)