National Water Resources Management Project in Kyrgyzstan

Progetto concluso

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Politica del settore idrico
Diplomazia e sicurezza dell'acqua
01.09.2019 - 31.12.2024
CHF  5’200’000
Contesto Water is not yet managed in a comprehensive manner in Kyrgyzstan and the national Water Code is not implemented. The project aims at supporting a structural reform and enhancing the capacities of water institutions to enable an effective implementation of the water code, which takes into account the various interests of all water users and the effects of climate change. Working on central governance issues, the results of this project will benefit to all other interventions related to water.

The project development objectives of the NWRMP are to improve water resources management capability and irrigation service delivery for the benefit of water users.

lt implies support to the authorities to move from the still·existing fragmented sectoral approach towards integrated water resource management. The revised roadmap adopted by the National Water Council in May 2019 provides the adequate framework for this to happen.    

Gruppi target
  • National Water Council as a supreme decision making structure as per the Water Code;
  • The newly established water agency on the basis of the current Department of Water Resources and Land lmprovement (DWRLI);
  • Basin level branches of the new water agency (Basin Administrations);
  • Irrigation management branches of the new water agency;
  • Water User Associations.
  • The Environment protection agency in charge of waste water permitting system;
  • Hydrogeology enterprise under the committee of industry and sub-soil resources.
Effetti a medio termine

National and basin institutions for WRM functioning and financed in line with the Water Code

The project will assist in strengthening capacities of a newly established water agency at the national level and basin administration at basin levels that will be in charge of implementing the five finalized basin plans.

Irrigation service delivery improved

The project will finance technical assistance, goods and incremental costs (excluding salaries) to improve financing of Management, Operation and Maintenance of both main canal/off-farm systems, managed by the Government, and on-farm systems managed by WUAs.


Risultati principali attesi:  

  • Establishment of water agency and basin administrations;
  • Permitting system is in place and functioning;
  • Completion of an lntegrated Water Information System and transformation into a water information center;
  • Finalization of basin water plans and preparation of national water strategy;
  • System based tariffs introduced and farmers are supplied with water.

Risultati fasi precedenti:   The project built capacities on management of both water resources and irrigation supply. In particular, (i) integrated water information system with 5 online databases; (ii) basin boundaries defined and 5 basin councils and plans developed. (iii) 448 Water User Associations out of 486 have improved their service provisions, as measured by the percentage of water users feedbacks in satisfaction surveys. To ensure sustainability of these results, structural reform has not process in particular establishment of an independent water body at national and basin levels, introduction and strenghtening of water permitiing system to generate resources for the sector. These milestones are the core elements of the water code and of code implementation roadmap.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione con l'Europa dell'Est
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Istituzione finanziaria internazionale
  • Banca Mondiale - IDA

Altri partner
Ministry of Finance represents the government of the Kyrgyz republic and will enter into Development Grant Agreement with the World Bank administering the Swiss Trust Fund.
Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori

The project focuses on capacity building and institutional development while other initiatives of the World Bank and of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program focus on hardware improvement. This combination of soft- and hardware support for a common development goal has proved effective. EU is preparing a budget support in the field of water for a total arnount of EUR 21 million for three years. WB, EU and Switzerland have built an alliance and coordinate their efforts in policy dialogue and strategic orientation.

Also, the project will coordinate with (i) SC funded Blue Peace and Chu-Talas water accountability project on establishing basin approach and the water information system and (ii) SECO funded urban water supply portfolio.

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    5’200’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    4’963’279
Fasi del progetto

Fase 2 01.09.2019 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)

Fase 1 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)