Due Bambini su un carro di cotone
La coltura del cotone è un settore importante e una delle catene di valore aggiunto essenziali per l’economia del Kirghizistan. © DSC

I conflitti, la violenza e le violazioni dei diritti umani sono tra le principali sfide in materia di lotta contro la povertà e la fragilità in senso lato. Le fragilità di uno Stato sono caratterizzate dall’incapacità del governo di garantire la sicurezza dei cittadini e di assicurare i servizi pubblici di base, oltre che dall’assenza di una relazione costruttiva tra governo e popolazione.

Più di 40 Paesi in tutto il mondo, per un totale di circa 1,5 miliardi di abitanti, presentano situazioni di fragilità o sono dilaniati da violenze e conflitti. Entro il 2030, oltre l’80% dei poveri del pianeta potrebbe trovarsi a vivere in contesti fragili se non si intraprendono sin da ora azioni più concertate.

La fragilità rappresenta un grave ostacolo alla realizzazione dell’Agenda 2030 per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Per lottare contro la fragilità è importante comprenderne tutte le sfaccettature ed elaborare approcci differenziati secondo i contesti tenendo conto dell’intero spettro delle problematiche, comprese quelle più delicate e sensibili.

Agire nei contesti fragili

La Svizzera intensifica il proprio impegno allo scopo di prevenire e gestire le conseguenze di crisi, catastrofi e fragilità. Il suo obiettivo è assegnare la metà dei propri aiuti bilaterali ai contesti caratterizzati da conflitti o fragilità.

Le attività della DSC nei contesti fragili

Le attività della Svizzera si iscrivono nell’ambito della promozione di società pacifiche, eque e inclusive. Il nostro Paese si impegna direttamente a favore del principio del «non lasciare indietro nessuno» (leave no one behind).

Caratteristiche dei contesti fragili

Gli Stati e le regioni fragili sono caratterizzati da istituzioni deboli, elevati livelli di povertà, violenza, corruzione e arbitrio. Le fragilità sono riscontrabili sia nel contesto dello sviluppo e della transizione sia in quello delle crisi umanitarie.

Promuovere società pacifiche e inclusive

Focus su SDG 16+ per promuovere società pacifiche, eque e inclusive per uno sviluppo sostenibile e per combattere i conflitti.

Prevenzione dei conflitti e di tutte le forme di violenza

La prevenzione dei conflitti violenti ha lo scopo di evitare eventuali nuovi conflitti e di impedire l’insorgere di nuovi focolai di violenza. Consiste non solo nell’impedire le crisi, ma anche nell’affrontarne le cause.


Progetti attuali

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 337

Single-phase project: Enhancing Peace and Economic Prosperity through Women's Leadership and Inclusion (Women for Peace & Prosperity)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028

In line with the priorities of the Governments of Moldova and Switzerland, the project aims to socially and economically empower women, including refugee women from Ukraine, increase their participation in decision-making and the workforce, promote their entrepreneurial activities, and finally contribute to a just, equal, inclusive and resilient society and economy in Moldova. The project will promote gender-responsive policies and initiatives to address key barriers to women's socio-economic inclusion.

Citizen Participation and Conflict Prevention programme (PCPC)

01.05.2024 - 31.12.2029

Rwanda has achieved notable progress with regard to socioeconomic development and improved social cohesion. However, the role of citizens in decision-making and in holding leaders to account remains insufficient affecting the sustainability of results. This programme will increase the capability of the 30 districts in Rwanda to properly engage citizens in decision-making processes and will strengthen local conflict-resolution mechanisms, hence contributing to improved accountability and lasting social cohesion.

Restoring livelihoods and revitalizing rural communities affected by mines and explosive remnants of war

01.03.2024 - 31.12.2027

Humanitarian demining is one of the priorities of Swiss international cooperation program. The Federal Council decided that a total of CHF 100 million will be earmarked for humanitarian demining for 2024-2027. SDC will contribute to the restoration of agricultural livelihood activities in areas severely impacted by the war to reduce the need for external support for rural households, small-scale farmers and local producers in three focal oblasts: Kharkivska, Mykolaivska and Khersonska.

Climate & Socially Resilient Livelihoods’ Support (CSRLS)

01.02.2024 - 30.04.2028

The climatic challenges exacerbate Afghanistan's already fragile socio-economic condition. The project by the Afghan NGO, The Liaison Office, aims to sustainably improve lives and livelihoods of the poorest households in selected provinces by strengthening the natural resource base, climate change resilient and diversified livelihoods, relationships within and between communities, as well as joint climate action.

Ukraine: Humanity and Inclusion Strengthening capacities of mine action actors

01.02.2024 - 31.12.2027

SDC will contribute to Humanity and Inclusion’s project to accelerating the effectiveness of mine action efforts through innovative Non-Technical survey, increasing awareness among the conflict-affected population about the risks of explosive ordnance, and delivering tailored victims’ assistance services to conflict-affected vulnerable people.

Human Rights Grants (HRG) program in Tajikistan

01.10.2023 - 30.11.2025

The Human Rights grants program will support local and international organizations working in Tajikistan on acute Human Rights issues. The program will provide cofunding opportunities to selected projects related to child rights, freedom of press, human rights in custody, prevention of gender-based violence and the rights of migrants/refugees.

COL: UN MPTF for Peacebuilding Fase III

01.10.2023 - 30.09.2024

Switzerland’s long standing support to peace efforts in Colombia serves its interests for international stability as well as human rights and is in line with Switzerland’s foreign policy interests as defined in the Federal Constitution. The contribution to the Multi-Partner Trust Fund, alongside other donors such as Norway and Germany, will support continuing implementation of the existing Peace Agreement and benefit vulnerable populations in former conflict regions. It will also underpin Switzerland’s current role in support of the government’s efforts for comprehensive peace in Colombia as well as its mandate as elected member of the Security Council. 

Contribution to the Geneva Water Hub (2023-2027)

01.09.2023 - 31.08.2027

Globally, access to fresh water resources are dwindling due to growing demand, increasing pollution and climate change. The Geneva Water Hub, co-hosted by the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute, is an international center of competence for transboundary water resources management. Through research, education, advocacy and mediation, the Hub addresses water insecurity in water scarce regions, helps to prevent water conflicts and contributes to peace, stability and sustainable development. 

Central Asia Arts and Culture Programme 2.0. (CAACP 2.0.)

01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027

The objective of the Central Asia Arts and Culture Programme (CAACP) is to foster the further development of a vibrant and open art and culture scene that contributes to preserving freedom of expression and enhancing social cohesion in the region. The CAACP offers cultural institutions and artists opportunities to create a platform that enables people, including left-behind groups, to address issues affecting their lives and contribute to positive social change.

Myanmar - Strengthened self-reliance of displacement-affected communities in Shan, Rakhine and Kayah States (SSDC)

15.06.2023 - 14.06.2026

Myanmar’s prolonged civil war intensified by the military coup has displaced more than 1.8 million civilians and caused immense suffering. Local actors have been faster, more effective and generally better placed to respond to humanitarian and basic needs of displacement-affected communities. Switzerland will strengthen localization of aid by partnering with Meikswe, a multi-sectoral local NGO operating in the nexus, to increase protection and self-reliance of affected communities.

Myanmar - Joint Peace Fund (JPF)

01.06.2023 - 30.05.2027

The conflict in Myanmar is the world's longest ongoing civil war, having lasted more than seven decades. As there is no development without peace, Switzerland supports the Joint Peace Fund (JPF), a multi-donor fund, for joint action on the peace process launched in 2016. Following the military coup where levels of conflict have risen exponentially, the fund focuses on conflict transformation rather than peace and prepare stakeholders to engage in dialogue and negotiations.

Tchad - PADS, Appui aux districts sanitaires

01.04.2023 - 31.03.2027

Au Tchad, la faiblesse de la gouvernance du système de santé est une des causes de la situation sanitaire caractérisée par des indicateurs les plus faibles de l’Afrique subsaharienne. L’appui de la Suisse va contribuer à améliorer la qualité des prestations et l’offre des soins de santé dans les districts sanitaires des provinces du Batha et du Moyen Chari ainsi qu’au déploiement de la couverture santé universelle dans certaines provinces.

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 337