Bilateral approach


Main bilateral agreements and arrangements between Switzerland and the EU.

Bilateral agreements until 1999

Between 1972 and 1999, Switzerland signed treaties with the European Union (EU) that enabled a free trade area without customs duties, as well as agreements on insurance and the transport of goods.

Bilateral agreements I (1999)

In 1999, Switzerland and the European Union (EU) signed a first package of seven agreements, bound together by the «guillotine clause».

Bilateral agreements II (2004)

Switzerland and the European Union (EU) signed nine further agreements in 2004.

Bilateral agreements and cooperations since 2004

Switzerland and the European Union (EU) have concluded other important agreements and arrangements since 2004.

Stabilisation and further development of the bilateral approach

The bilateral approach forms the basis for the partnership between Switzerland and the EU. The Federal Council is committed to its stabilisation and selective expansion.