H.E. Urs Bucher, Ambassador of Switzerland to the EU, cordially invites you to share a typical Swiss breakfast and join the discussion on "Would containers vote for rail? Lessons from the Swiss modal shift policy" on Thursday 14th November 2019 from 8.30 am to 10 am at the Mission of Switzerland to the EU, Place du Luxembourg 1, 1050 Brussels.
Welcome by H.E. Urs Bucher, Head of the Mission of Switzerland to the EU, and opening remarks by Peter Füglistaler, Director of the Federal Office of Transport.
Followed by a discussion between
Michail Stahlhut, CEO, HUPAC
Elisabeth Werner, Director Land Transport, DG MOVE, European Commission
Moderated by Sebastian Ramspeck, Correspondent SRF in Brussels
With the focus of the incoming EU Commission on the European Green Deal, the debate on how to promote the modal shift will gain in importance. The European Commission launched the preparations for the possible revision of two relevant legal acts some time ago. The first act focuses on developing a trans-European transport network. The second one aims at strengthening the European rail network for competitive freight. These regulations play a crucial role when it comes to fostering modal shift in the EU and to facilitating the operation of international freight trains.
Modal shift from road to rail is one of the key principles of Swiss transport policy. A package of measures has been implemented with the objective to move as much transalpine freight traffic as possible from road to rail. Consequently, rail’s market share for transalpine freight traffic reached around 70 % in the first half of 2019. During the #SwissBreakfast, the main driving forces and policy instruments for modal shift will be presented and debated. Can the Swiss approach serve as a blueprint for ongoing and future EU initiatives? Under what conditions would containers vote for rail?
To register please reply to swissbreakfast@eda.admin.ch by Tuesday 12th November 2019. For security reasons please present your ID document at the registration desk.
As places are limited, registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis. Registration starts as of 8.15 am.
Please be advised that photos will be taken at this event. By participating, you allow the Mission of Switzerland to the EU and the event's cooperation partners photographing using your likeness in the press, on websites, in social media and other publications.