Creation and Implementation of the System for Video Transmission, Recording and Storage in Courts

Projet terminé

The Project aims at improving the capacity and the quality of the judiciary system. New communication technologies will contribute to achieve this goal.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Accroître la sécurité publique
Modernisation du système judiciaire
01.03.2011 - 30.06.2016
CHF  1’771’032

Note: the texts under all the headings, with the exception of 'Results achieved', describe the situation before the start of the project.


Performance of courts is measured by number of pending cases; duration of their examination and number of disputes over the sentences. In Lithuania number of cases being examined is on raise. At the same time, the number of pending cases is increasing too – 27’405 cases in 2007, 35’179 in 2008 and 43’796 in 2009 as the length of the examination of cases is increasing. There were 6% of civil cases, which duration of examination was longer than six months in 2007, 6,6% in 2008, and 7,6% in 2009; comparable criminal cases were 11% in 2007, 12% in 2008, and 14% in 2009). In addition, according to 2009 statistics there are 2873 cases which weren’t solved during a year. Significant number of proceedings is delayed due to absence of participants. With this project, quality and efficiency of Lithuanian court system will be fostered.


The capacity and the quality of judiciary as well as access to judiciary are enhanced by substantially reducing the number of pending cases (5% /year) and delays and the judiciary costs (4%/ year) for example through the limitation of transportation of detainees. This goal is reached through the use of new technologies, by implementation of E-justice measures and improved court management.

Groupes cibles

Courts, prisons and (potential) litigants (citizens, private and public sector).

  • Procurement of video-conferencing equipment including training for the employees of courts, prisons and NCA on usage of the video-conferencing equipment
  • Procurement of hardware and software for recording and storage of remote court sessions in the electronic form
  • Visits to EU and EEA to exchange experience on video transmission, recording and storage in courts

Résultats obtenus:  

  • Stationary video conference equipment has been installed in 18 courts.
  • Mobile video conference equipment has been installed in 5 regional courts.
  • Stationary video conference equipment has been installed in 13 prisons.
  • Mobile video conference equipment has been installed in 2 prosecutor’s offices.
  • Central part of courts video – conference system has been installed in the National Court Administration.
  • 142 staff of courts, National Court Administration, imprisonment institutions and prosecutor offices have been trained on how to use video-conference equipment.
  • Hardware and software for recording and preserving video-conference sessions have been installed in the National Court Administration.
  • 25 specialists from courts, prisons and the National Court Administration participated in study tours to Switzerland, Portugal and Denmark.


Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Contribution suisse à l'UE élargie
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Institution étatique étrangère
  • National State Institute North

Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    1’771’032 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    1’667’764
Phases du projet

Phase 1 01.03.2011 - 30.06.2016   (Completed)