Past events (56)
Visit by Swiss Deputy Secretary of State, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Monday, 07.09.2015
Wednesday, 09.09.2015
EDA; Official visit
Visit by Swiss Deputy Secretary of State, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Location: Tirana, Albania
Signing of debt management project agreement
Thursday, 03.09.2015
Thursday, 03.09.2015
Countries; Event accessible to journalists
Swiss Ambassador Christoph Graf and Minister of Finance Shkëlqim Cani will sign a new project agreement on debt management. The new project will support the Ministry in improving debt management through new debt data systems and capacity building.
Location: Ministry of Finance, Tirana, Albania
Trio Swiss Miss in concert
Friday, 31.07.2015
Friday, 31.07.2015
Countries; Concert
Swiss Miss - a folk-pop band from Switzerland - will perform in a concert in the center of Fier
Location: Fier, Albania
Swiss National Day
Thursday, 30.07.2015
Thursday, 30.07.2015
Event for Swiss nationals who live abroad
A celebration of the Swiss National Day for Swiss nationals and invited guests
Location: Residence of the Swiss Embassy, Tirana, Albania
Launching of 'Health for All' Project in Peshkopi, Albania
Monday, 20.07.2015
Monday, 20.07.2015
EDA; Countries; Event accessible to journalists
A new health project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) kicks off on July 20th
Location: Peshkopi, Albania
Media Reporting of Neighbours in the Balkans
Thursday, 09.07.2015
Friday, 10.07.2015
Countries; Conference
A conference on how media in Balkan countries portray other neighbouring countries
Location: Hotel Tirana International, Tirana, Albania
TAP Launching in Çorovoda, Albania
Friday, 03.07.2015
Friday, 03.07.2015
Ambassador Graf to attend the TAP launching
Trio Suisse Sophie Ding en Tirana

Saturday, 21.03.2015
Saturday, 21.03.2015
Concert du Trio Suisse Sophie Ding à Tirana
Location: Théâtre Expérimental, Tirana
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Last update 19.12.2018