Small Actions Credit Line (Quick Impact)

Project completed

The Small Actions Credit Line (Quick Impact) is a humanitarian instrument of the Swiss Embassy's cooperation office that allows a fast response to requests for moderate one-time funding of limited duration. It enables the Embassy's cooperation office in Lebanon to fund small scale development or humanitarian activities that addresses needs of refugees, IDPs, vulnerable migrants or communities at risk, supports the strategic strengthening of the portfolio of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy Middle East and which contribute to the visibility of Swiss presence in the region.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Humanitarian Assistance & DRR
Employment & economic development
Health systems strengthening
Protection, access & security
Water sector policy
Water supply
Employment creation
Medical services
Water sanitation
Water resources conservation
01.03.2019 - 31.12.2022
CHF  800’000

The Middle East is facing a complex, regional crisis. The parallel conflicts in Syria and Iraq have both been qualified by the United Nations as the highest level of humanitarian emergency.

The continuous degradation of the humanitarian context, along with the increasingly protracted nature of the crises, requires therefore careful studies, identification missions and testing of partners/ideas, while keeping a good enough Swiss visibility set of programme adaptations both on operational and managerial level.

Objectives To strengthen the relevance and coherence of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy Middle East 2019-2022 in Lebanon through the availability of a simple and flexible funding tool.
Target groups Target group will depend on the individual Partial Actions.
Medium-term outcomes
  • Strategic strengthening of the portfolio of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy Middle East.
  • Covering of existing gaps, urgent needs and pinpointed interventions.
  • Exploration of innovative approaches, responding to emerging opportunities and test new fields of intervention

Expected results:  

  • Implementation of small scale humanitarian and development initiatives-
  • Conducting of or contributing to assessment, consultancies, capacity buildings, events, studies, and others.
  • Provide the Swiss Cooperation Office with an appropriate tool to react timely to request of local partner.

Results from previous phases:  

  • Improved knowledge to youth in public schools in 3 different areas in Lebanon through arts, and sports.
  • Youth led Initiatives in Lebanon have increased opportunities for getting sustainable funding within the next year of project cycle
  • Improve the language skills between workers and employers, through an application.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Humanitarian aid
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • United Nations Children’s Fund
  • Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Coordination with other projects and actors Partial Actions funded under the Small Actions Credit Line (Qutck Impact) have justification of their own and do not always need to be in synergy with larger projects of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy Middle East. However, in general interventions should be In line with the domains as defined in the mentioned strategyu Small projects can be complementary to existing projects within the Cooperation Strategy.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    800’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    98’149 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   293’908 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   500’000
Project phases

Phase 2 01.03.2019 - 31.12.2022   (Completed)