Governance and Social Cohesion

Activities of „Mă Implic” project in Feștelița, Ștefan Vodă District
Activities of „Mă Implic” project in Feștelița, Ștefan Vodă District ©Mă Implic on Facebook

Swiss-funded interventions support democracy and a peaceful, inclusive society by promoting the rule of law, civic engagement and social cohesion. Switzerland supports national authorities in improving governance in the areas of law-making, decentralisation, anti-corruption measures and the protection and integration of refugees and migrants.

The programme also helps local authorities to better fulfil their mandates by focusing on the main needs of their constituencies. It empowers in particular women and young people in particular to engage in local development and civic activities. Finally, Swiss-funded interventions foster dialogue across societal divides and contribute to inclusive nation-building.