Presentation of credentials

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Press releases, 30.03.2021

Presentation of credentials ceremony of the new Ambassadors in Switzerland

The ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Mr Salah LEBDIOUI; of the Dominican Republic, Mr José R. SÁNCHEZ-FUNG; of the Republic of Cuba, Ms Adele Mayra RUIZ GARCÍA; of Hungary, Mr József CZUKOR; of the Republic of Turkey, Ms Emine Ece ÖZBAYOĞLU ACARSO; of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ms Susanne Christine HYLDELUND (with residence in Berlin); and of the United Arab Emirates, Mr Obaid Saleem Saeed Naser ALZAABI, were received by the President of the Swiss Confederation Guy Parmelin on 30 March 2021 at the Federal Palace for the presentation of their credentials.

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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs