In Myanmar, the situation is becoming increasingly difficult for survivors of the floods which have covered a large part of the country since late July 2015. Over a million people have been affected and immediate need for water, food and temporary shelter is great. With over 680,000 hectares of farmland damaged, the storms' consequences in the medium term are already apparent.
Switzerland is expressing its solidarity with the victims of this natural disaster. In this spirit, Swiss Humanitarian Aid has decided to allocate an extra CHF 500,000 to support emergency relief efforts. The sum will fund the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), especially distributing food and health kits and setting up access to drinking water. This new contribution brings the total Switzerland has allocated to the emergency response to more than CHF 600,000. On the ground, the staff of the humanitarian aid office of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Mawlamyine (in the south-east of Myanmar) have already distributed drinking water and food to nearly 3,900 people affected since the onset of the disaster.
Further information:
11.08.2015 Switzerland supporting emergency aid measures following flooding in Myanmar
SDC Myanmar
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