Sécurisation de l’approvisionnement en vivres et des revenus par la vente d’olives

Projet terminé
Un paysan tient des olives fraîchement récoltés dans ses mains et explique comment elles ont été cultivées.
Working in olive cultivation and selling, farmers improve their livelihood. © David Levene/Oxfam David Levene/Oxfam

Les petits producteurs de Cisjordanie vendent des olives de leur cru sur les marchés et améliorent ainsi leurs moyens de subsistance. La DDC les aide à trouver des débouchés et à vendre leurs produits à des conditions équitables. Ayant ainsi les reins plus solides, ils sont moins vulnérables aux événements extérieurs néfastes.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Territoire palestinien occupé
Agriculture et sécurité alimentaire
Emploi & développement économique
Développement agricole
Création d'emplois
15.11.2011 - 30.04.2015
CHF  3’620’000

In order to facilitate the farmers' access to the markets, the SDC runs the project "Making the olive market work for the poor" with an approach geared towards development. It tackles the core problems from a number of angles :

  • As part of the project, farmers receive further training in order to achieve more sustainable production, higher yields and better quality produce.

  • The links joining the different parts of the production chain are strengthened, giving the farmers the broadest access possible to the various stakeholders, for example in the private sector. This enables them to sell their products in different markets, for example the organic and fair-trade markets.

  • The project cooperates with local organisations in the olive oil sector. Therefor it doesn’t serve only the interests of farmers receiving direct assistance. Moreover it prevents the farms from becoming dependent on international aid. Guidelines are being drawn up to reduce poverty in the olive oil sector and raise awareness of gender issues.

  • Cooperation and coordination with other donors and stakeholders are overseen by the Olive Oil Thematic Group, under the leadership of the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture.

The SDC has been working in the West Bank since 2006 with small and medium scale farms and with institutions from the agricultural sector. The objective is to facilitate access to commercial markets for olive growers and help them improve their livelihood. The reason for the SDC's involvement is the high level of unemployment and food insecurity in the West Bank.

Agricultural sector significant
Agriculture accounts for the majority of jobs in the West Bank. The poor in particular make a living from this sector and many Palestinians are dependent on agriculture for their income. The "Making the olive market work for the poor" project provides them with a source of income and food.

Phase three of the project: focus on sustainability
The SDC recognises the high potential of the olive sector to contribute to improved employment and income situations. Helping develop the sector, it takes particular account of the needs of women and deprived households.
The third phase of the ongoing project focuses on sustainable support and the identification of root causes of constraints along the value chain.

Oxfam Great Britain as implementing partner
Oxfam Great Britain (OxGB) is the SDC's direct implementation partner. It has sub- contracted some of SDC's former local implementing partners to ensure continuity in the project both for the partners and for the aid recipients. OxGB is responsible for the general project management and coaching/capacity building for those local partners. Switzerland finances the project in conjunction with the EU and Oxfam.