Job vacancies

At the present time there are no job vacancies to be published on the website.

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) regulary seeks qualified and motivated employees.

Job vacancies will be published through the state job web portal. You can tailor your search towards your requirements through various search criteria.

State job portal (de, fr, it)

Currently, the Embassy of Switzerland in Uzbekistan does not offer any internships.

Warning: Fraud documents / False job offers

The Embassy of Switzerland in Uzbekistan has been made aware of fraudulent documents that promise work permits to Switzerland.

If you receive a job offer for Switzerland, please be vigilant and do not believe any dubious person or company promising employment in Switzerland and charging you for the services. The employment contract is concluded directly with the Swiss employer and not through an intermediary. If you have received such an invitation and have doubts about its authenticity, please contact the visa section of the Embassy of Switzerland in Moscow for clarification.