Activities as host state

Legal and Protocol Affairs Section

The Legal and Protocol Affairs Section is responsible for applying the system of diplomatic benefits to the international community and its Residence and Status Service issues FDFA legitimation cards.

Practical Manual of the regime of privileges and immunities and other facilities

This manual was created to explain the system of privileges and immunities to the permanent missions, international organisations and their staff members.

Privileges & immunities: frequently asked questions (FAQ)

A FAQ (frequently asked questions) has been prepared to answer the questions that are usually asked about the regime of privileges, immunities and facilities applicable to permanent missions, international organisations, as well as to the staff and members of their families.

Good Offices and Security Section

The Good Offices and Security Section deals with requests from international organisations and permanent missions regarding security. It facilitates the issuing of visas for International Geneva and deals with disputes.

Manual: Visas

Information on visas is provided to those expected within the context of International Geneva.


The Swiss Mission is the first point of contact for IOs and PMs in Geneva. It receives and directs cybersecurity-related requests from the international community to the authorities and specialized partners.

Infrastructure and Innovation Section

The Infrastructure and Innovation Section provides operational support for all real estate matters related to the presence in Switzerland of international organisations, permanent missions and their personnel.

Manual: Real estate

This manual provides relevant information to foreign States or members of personnel of permanent missions and international organisations who would like to aquire a property in Switzerland