The UN Security Council has been holding meetings in its new configuration since 3 January 2023. One of its first decisions, on 9 January, was to extend the cross-border aid mechanism for Syria based on a resolution co-sponsored by Switzerland and Brazil. Protecting civilians in armed conflict is among Switzerland's priorities as a Council member.
At the invitation of Japan, which chairs the Security Council this month, Mr Cassis is participating in an open debate on the rule of law among nations to be held on 12 January.
The theme of the debate is linked to at least two of the priorities set by the Federal Council for Switzerland's Council membership, which are to build sustainable peace and protect civilians. Switzerland has extensive experience in peacebuilding and conflict prevention and is committed to resolving conflicts and ensuring accountability. Protecting the civilian population is an urgent humanitarian imperative for Switzerland, which has a long track record in defending the rule of law and supporting the work of the International Criminal Court. Mr Cassis will also take the opportunity to stress the importance of respecting the Geneva Conventions.
On the margins of the debate in New York, Mr Cassis will meet with various government representatives.
Further information:
Switzerland on the UN Security Council
Switzerland in the UN Security Council
A Plus For Peace
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