Job vacancies

National Programme Officer for Sudan based in Cairo (Protection, Durable Solutions, CVA) – RE-ADVERTISEMENT

The National Programme Officer (NPO) for Sudan based in Cairo is responsible for activities under the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation at the Office for International Cooperation – Sudan, Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt, in the areas of Protection, Resilience Strengthening (Durable Solutions), Migration, as well as Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). 

Interested candidates should submit their application with a letter stating their motivation, a detailed Curriculum Vitae and necessary supporting documents (copies of diplomas and certificates) to the Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt not later than 30 January 2025.

By E-mail:

For non-Egyptian candidates: Must be in possession of a valid long-term Egyptian residency and work permit.

Job_announcment_NPO_Sudan2_2025 (PDF, 2 Pages, 217.7 kB, English)

National Programme Officer for Sudan based in Cairo (Food Security, Livelihoods, WASH) – READVERTISEMENT

The National Programme Officer (NPO) for Sudan based in Cairo is responsible for activities under the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation at the Office for International Cooperation – Sudan, Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt, in the areas of Food Security, Livelihoods, as well as Water, Sanitation, and Health (WASH). 

Interested candidates should submit their application with a letter stating their motivation, a detailed Curriculum Vitae and necessary supporting documents (copies of diplomas and certificates) to the Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt not later than 30 January 2025.

By E-mail:

For non-Egyptian candidates: Must be in possession of a valid long-term Egyptian residency and work permit.

Job_announcment_NPO_Sudan1_2025 (PDF, 2 Pages, 216.4 kB, English)

The​​ Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) regulary seeks qualified and motivated employees.
Job vacancies will be published through the state job web portal. You can tailor your search towards your requirements through various search criteria.
State job portal (de, fr, it)