National Programme Officer for Sudan based in Cairo (Protection, Durable Solutions, CVA) – RE-ADVERTISEMENT
The National Programme Officer (NPO) for Sudan based in Cairo is responsible for activities under the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation at the Office for International Cooperation – Sudan, Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt, in the areas of Protection, Resilience Strengthening (Durable Solutions), Migration, as well as Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA).
Interested candidates should submit their application with a letter stating their motivation, a detailed Curriculum Vitae and necessary supporting documents (copies of diplomas and certificates) to the Embassy of Switzerland in Egypt not later than 30 January 2025.
By E-mail:
For non-Egyptian candidates: Must be in possession of a valid long-term Egyptian residency and work permit.
Job_announcment_NPO_Sudan2_2025 (PDF, 2 Pages, 217.7 kB, English)