
Trier les résultats par

Objet 1 – 12 de 32

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) – Emergency Response Plan Sudan Armed Conflict

01.06.2023 - 30.11.2024

Millions of people in Sudan are facing critical shortages of food, water, sanitation, shelter, non-food items, as well as access to basic education, psychosocial support and protection since the outbreak of fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 15 April 2023. Based on its sectoral and technical areas of expertise, NRC therefore developed a multi-sectoral emergency response plan incl. multi-purpose cash, emergency shelter/ NFI, WASH, education assistance, and protection interventions.

Hemayah: Protecting and Empowering Marginalized Communities

01.12.2022 - 30.11.2025

Egypt is a destination country for migrants and forcibly displaced persons facing challenging humanitarian conditions and limited prospects for integration. Switzerland will contribute to the “Hemayah/Protection” project implemented by Terre des Hommes to improve survival, protection, self-reliance, and wellbeing of migrants and forcibly displaced persons from marginalized communities. The project will provide comprehensive services and opportunities for skills development and socioeconomic integration through a sustainable community based approach.

RECS II: Supporting the Resilience of the Egyptian Civil Society

01.07.2022 - 31.12.2026

The need to continue strengthening the resilience of civil society is persistent in view of the measures undertaken by the Egyptian authorities toward civil society actors in recent years, and shrinking funding available for them. Designed as a contribution to Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders (EMHRF), this second phase will continue allowing civil society to survive and fulfil its essential role, eventually benefiting the population at large. This will be achieved through a flexible funding facility, organizational capacity development and alliance and network building.

Potable Water Management Programme (PWMP) in Upper Egypt Phase 2

01.05.2022 - 31.12.2025

Egypt has critical needs in better managing water resources and reducing water losses as well as consumption, especially in Upper Egypt (climate change impact, lack of infrastructure, high poverty level). Switzerland provides innovative solutions for improved potable water management and service provision to the vulnerable population. The mixed approach based on strengthening capacities of the water company, improving the infrastructure for potable water provision and on engaging the communities will serve as model for nationwide replication.

Strengthening the capacities of Community-Based Organisations serving migrants in Egypt

01.12.2021 - 30.11.2024

In Egypt, Community Based Organisations (CBOs) are key actors in responding to migrants and forcibly displaced persons’ basic needs especially amid COVID 19 pandemic. Building on lessons learnt from the first phase, CBOs will be further empowered to become more financially sustainable in order to continue providing quality services and advocate for migrants and forcibly displaced persons’ needs and rights in the donor community and with decision makers. 

Vocational Skills Development in Egypt

01.12.2021 - 30.06.2026

Over 1 million young people enter the Egyptian labor market every year. A well governed Technical Vocation Education and Training (TVET) system is needed to ensure that skills match the demand, young people are integrated in the labor market and earn a decent income. Switzerland will co-finance BMZ’s Technical Support for the Comprehensive Technical Education Initiative (TCTI), and contribute to the qualitative development and expansion of dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) by integrating the private sector requests and using a sectoral approach.

Support the juvenile justice system in Egypt

01.11.2020 - 31.01.2025

A more independent, impartial, and efficient judiciary is a prerequisite for the current protection of citizens. The juvenile justice system is one avenue where there is both a demonstrated need for engagement and government acceptance. Capitalising on OECD framework agreement with Egypt on rule of law, the proposed intervention will lead to enhanced sector specific governance practices and contribute in increasing trust with government stakeholders.

Youth For the Future

01.09.2020 - 30.04.2025

Switzerland promotes socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable youth to enable sustainable development in Egypt. The project “Youth for Future” strengthens protection and provides better livelihood opportunities for youth to facilitate their access to employment and promote social cohesion.  Egypt and Switzerland share a common interest to bring new perspectives to vulnerable young Egyptians, refugees and migrants with special focus on young women and in setting a favorable framework to promote inclusive socio-economic integration.

IGGE : Inclusive Green Growth in Egypt

01.09.2019 - 30.06.2025

The main barriers to the competitiveness of the total 2.5 million micro-small-medium enterprises in Egypt are a lack of affordable funding and a mismatch between the needs of the market and the skills available. With its proven expertise in micro-small-medium enterprises Switzerland supports economic growth and more efficient use of resources in Upper Egypt through the model of green economy such as utilizing agricultural waste to create jobs and strengthen livelihoods of communities.

Sludge Management in Egypt

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027

By piloting new sludge treatment, disposal and reuse practices the project tackles a crucial yet neglected aspect of the Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) and supports a more comprehensive water resources management.

City Resilience Program, Phase II

01.12.2022 - 31.12.2027

The City Resilience Program scales up the resilience of cities against adverse impacts of disasters and climate change. It does so by supporting risk-informed und multisector planning efforts, identify suitable interventions and investments that enhance the resilience of cities, and supports their bankability and access multiple financing sources.

Small Business Impact Fund, Phase II

01.12.2022 - 30.11.2027

The Small Business Impact Fund (SBIF) is a multi-donor initiative of the EBRD to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SECO’s contribution to the SBIF aims to strengthen competitiveness and resilience of SMEs in Central Asia, North Africa and South Caucasus by providing business advice, skills development and financing.

Objet 1 – 12 de 32