Ghana Solar-Photovoltaic based Net-Metering

The project aims at scaling-up the integration of solar photovoltaic installations on public and private buildings into the distribution grids of Ghana. It demonstrates how battery storage can enhance renewable energy integration and provides technical assistance and capacity building enabling stakeholders to develop renewable energy strategies.

Paese/Regione Periodo Budget
01.06.2022 - 31.05.2027
CHF  12’600’000

Ghana is well endowed with renewable energy resources (solar, wind) and has good framework conditions for related investments. Yet it is still far from its objective of a 10% share of new renewable energy in the power mix. This is due to the curtailing of renewable energy projects, because of an over-supply of fossil-fuel generated power contracted under emergency conditions, and to an insufficient uptake of net-metering, i.e. the possibility for customers with solar-photovoltaic panels to release excess power to the grids. Power distribution utilities are also reluctant to support net-metering, fearing grid failures and loss of business.


The overall objective of the project is to support Ghana in engaging on low-carbon, sustainable development pathways, while reducing energy poverty and increasing energy security. The project thereby focuses on the transformation of the grid-based power distribution sector via decarbonisation, decentralization and digitalization. The uptake of net-metering is increased by publicly financed investments in solar panels on public buildings, by incentives to the private sector (households and SMEs) for such investments, and by the provision of equipment (smart meters, control systems, batteries) to the power distribution utilities, allowing the preparation of their grids for a larger-scale integration of rooftop solar panels. Technical assistance and capacity building are expected to help the utilities and the Ministry of Energy develop strategies for the future of net-metering and distributed generation in Ghana.

Effetti a medio termine

The supply of electricity generated from renewable energy sources is increased (by 103 GWh/year) and correspondingly greenhouse gas emissions are mitigated (71,900 tons per year or over 1.4 million tons over the lifespan of the solar panels).

Access to modern energy services is improved for over 4,900 households (17,000 people), 6,000 small and medium-sized enterprises and 1,100 public buildings, including schools, hospitals, municipal or district assemblies.

Public and private investments in renewable energy are increased, including notably by USD 66 million from the private sector in Ghana.

The possibility to integrate electricity from solar photovoltaic installations into the power distribution grids at scale, using battery energy storage systems, is demonstrated to stakeholders in Ghana.

Strategies and action plans for the future of net-metering and distributed generation are developed by the Ministry of Energy and the power distribution utilities of Ghana.


Risultati principali attesi:  

1,100 solar-photovoltaic panels with capacities ranging from 4 to 75 kWp are installed on public buildings (schools, health centers, municipal assemblies).

4,900 solar-photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 2kWp each are installed on rooftops of private households.

6,000 solar photovoltaic panels with capacities ranging from 4 to 100 kWp are installed on rooftops of small and medium enterprises-

A total of 62.5 MW of solar-photovoltaic power generation capacity is added to the energy mix of Ghana.

Sector relevant studies are completed to inform decisions on renewable energy deployment and integration in Ghana.

Stakeholders (about 240 people) are trained on renewable energy deployment and integration, including smart-metering and control systems.

Strategy papers and action plans on net-metering and distributed generation are drafted for the Ministry of Energy and the power distribution utilities of Ghana.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile SECO
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    12’600’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    0 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF    94’350’000
Fasi del progetto Fase 1 01.06.2022 - 31.05.2027   (Fase in corso)