The private sector is the backbone of economic growth and job creation. Supporting the efforts of the Kyrgyz authorities in improving the business climate, attracting investments and diversifying production for exports has been one of the main priorities of the Swiss Cooperation since the independence of the country.
These efforts have contributed to significantly reduced costs of doing business for Kyrgyz SMEs. Access to business advisory services and to finance enabled companies to develop their commercial skills and hence, improve their performance; as a matter of fact, local textile and clothing SMEs became more competitive and maintained (some of them were even increased) their export volumes despite the recent economic crisis in Russia and Kazakhstan. Yet, in spite of these achievements, in a context of increasing regional competition, further efforts are needed to ensure the successful integration of Kyrgyzstan in the global and regional economy by improved business climate in the country.
Switzerland will further support the sustainable and inclusive economic growth with focus on more and better jobs. Support will be provided to deliver top notch advisory services and financial products for businesses, strengthen business/sector associations and SMEs and to increase performance of value chains with high potential for investments and exports: textile, tourism and agri-business sectors, in particular in remote areas.