Community Security Initiative (CSI)

Projet terminé

The OSCE Community Security Initiative (CSI) is the principal security response of the international community to the June 2010 inter-ethnic violence in southern Kyrgyzstan. The CSI project support dialogue between the police and communities and between communities themselves. An assessment made in 2012 shows that the project has contributed to decreasing tensions in the region, as the presence of the CSI Police Consultants encouraged the police and the communities to engage in a dialogue.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Conflit & fragilité
Prévention et transformation des conflits
Gestion et réforme du système de sécurité
Prévention des conflits
01.01.2013 - 31.03.2016
CHF  1’500’000

During the June 2010 events in southern Kyrgyzstan, according to officiai figures 442 people died in the violence, including 295 ethnic Uzbeks and 123 ethnic Kyrgyz and 3,746 buildings were destroyed (a great majority of them owned by ethnic Uzbeks). In response to a request from the Kyrgyz Repubiic to support the Kyrgyzstan police in addressing the specific security situation, the OSCE launched the Community Security Initiative (CSI). The CSI was deployed with a post crisis, conflict prevention, early warning and confidence and capacity-building mandate. Midterm assessment showed that the CSI and its project activities continue to be necessary in the post crisis environment and relevant as the principal security response to the events.


The overall goal of the project is to further support and enhance the performance of Kyrgyzstan's police in addressing the specific security situation after the June events in Southern regions, by building capacities and training of the police in providing human security to all communities, irrespective of ethnicity.

Groupes cibles

Law Enforcement Agencies (e.g. police), Community Security Working Groups, ethnic and other neighbourhoods and communities in 15 districts of Kyrgyzstan, with a total population of about 290'000 inhabitants.

Effets à moyen terme

Objective 1: Trust and confidence of the local community in the police is improved

Objective 2: Respect for and promotion of human rights by the police is improved

Objective 3: The police's ability to operate professionally in a multi-ethnic environment and to actively recruit various ethnic minorities into the police is increased.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

1. Expansion of the project into two new districts: Batken and Tokmok cities;

2. Expansion of training and support activities to police investigative units;

3. Training of police in neighbourhood management, youth enfranchisement and mediation.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

The CSI has significantly increased its public profile and confidence by the stakeholders. As a result, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior, the police, community representatives, civil society and international partner organizations highly value the presence of the CSI and support the extension of the initiative into 2013. The presence of the CSI on the ground not only improves the confidence among communities and police but also serves as a deterrent against police misconduct.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Coopération avec l'Europe de l'Est
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Autre organisation internationale
  • Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe

Autres partenaires


Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs

The CSI will work in collaboration with the OSCE Centres Police Reform Project and High Commissioner for National Minorities (HCNM), with a wide range of national authorities (Ombudsman, Prosecutor General, State Penitentiary Service, Ministries of Interior, Justice and Health), Youth Committees in Osh and Jalal-Abad, etc.

Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    1’500’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    1’351’673
Phases du projet

Phase 2 01.01.2013 - 31.03.2016   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.04.2011 - 31.12.2012   (Completed)