Karakol Water Supply Project

The proposed Project aims at improving the water supply in Karakol town by rehabilitation of the water supply infrastructure and by institutional development of the water utility. The Project shall support the Government’s strategy of decentralization and introduction of cost recovery policies.

Paese/Regione Periodo Budget
01.08.2005 - 30.06.2017
CHF  13’047’404

Karakol (80’000 inhabitants) suffers from a deplorable water system. Waterborne intestinal diseases are common. Moreover, the water utility is not able to cover operation costs.The Project will include rehabilitation works, the construction of a new water treatment plant, installation of meters as well as the introduction of a modern accounting and billing system. Participation of all personnel of the water utility as well as participation of the population in the rehabilitation works will be promoted throughout the project. The overall project budget is of CHF 13.3 mio and SECO contribution is of CHF 12 mio.


Overall goal: The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the economic development of the town (especially tourism and food related activities), improve social well-being and reduce waterborne intestinal diseases.

The project objectives are the following:

a) drastic reduction of unaccounted for water (UFW) by reducing present physical losses (ratio water production / water delivered- stability of pressure),

b) improved quality of water (content of solids, health relevant contamination)

c) increased collection rate (sales revenue/water bills),

d) increase connection rate (household with in house connection or standpipe/all households),

e) improved customer satisfaction (customer inquiry)

f) commercialized enterprise, able to cover at least operation and maintenance costs with revenues from water sales (financial statement),

g) professionalized enterprise, i.e. more efficient and effective water utility in technical, financial and customer related matters (defined, standardized pro

Effetti a medio termine

Capital Investment: The water supply system of Karakol is improved. Technical assistance will be provided to PIU staff to support project implementation.

Corporate Development Program (CDP): The CDP should lead Karakol public utility towards becoming a self-sustaining entity with commercially sustainable operations.


Risultati principali attesi:  

a) Renovation of the water production facilities and the distribution system

b) Local extensions to supply zones presently non served

c) Construction of a water treatment plant

d) Installation of water connection meters

e) Introduction of a modern accounting system

f) Open and transparent customer relations

Risultati fasi precedenti:  


Direzione/Ufficio responsabile SECO
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    13’047’404 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    0 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF    13’300’000
Fasi del progetto Fase 8 01.11.2019 - 31.12.2025   (Fase in corso) Fase 5 30.09.2014 - 31.12.2023   (Completed) Fase 4 01.06.2013 - 31.12.2022   (Completed) Fase 3 01.09.2009 - 30.12.2018   (Completed) Fase 2 05.07.2009 - 31.12.2020   (Completed)

Fase 1 01.08.2005 - 30.06.2017   (Active)