Programme Development North Africa

Progetto concluso

Originally conceived to support the development of activities under the Swiss North Africa Programme launched from scratch in 2011, the 5th phase with a much reduced budget allows deepening relevant thematic and context knowledge, developing and formulating future strategic priorities and setting-up adapted or new projects for SDC in a fragile and complex environment. For 2015-16 the focus is on preparatory work for the Swiss North Africa programme 2017-20.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Mondo arabo ed Europa
Nord Africa
Impiego & sviluppo economico
Canbiamento climatico ed ambiente
Stato di diritto - democrazia - diritti dell'uomo
Sviluppe rurale
Environmental policy
Migrazione in generale (aspetti relativi allo sviluppo e partenariati)
Politica del settore pubblico
01.07.2015 - 30.06.2020
CHF  200’000
  • North Africa is a fragile and complex transition context, marked by often unforeseen developments.
  • Under the Swiss North Africa Programme 2011-2016, Switzerland engages in the region with an annual budget of around CHF 60 million. SDC’s humanitarian and development budget amounts to approximately CHF 23 Mio. for 2015.
  • SDC is active in all three domains of the North Africa Programme, namely (1) democratic transition and human rights (2) economic development and jobs (3) protection and migration.
  • In 2015/16 the new North Africa Programme will be elaborated.
  • The North African contexts remain highly fragile, demanding flexible and adaptable programming.

To support the development of future strategic priorities in North Africa and the subsequent development of adapted or new projects for SDC.

Effetti a medio termine
  1. Deepen relevant context and thematic knowledge
  2. Develop and formulate new strategic priorities, including adaptation strategies that respond to context challenges
  3. Develop new or adapted projects in-line with strategic priorities

Risultati principali attesi:  

  1. Research papers
  2. Knowledge sharing events
  3. Mission reports
  4. Project concepts

Risultati fasi precedenti:  

  • The credit-line has been instrumental in the development and networking activity that accompanied the (re-)launch of SDC activities in North Africa in 2011.
  • A number of projects launched in 2011 are coming to an end and their continuation and/or possible reorientation needs to be discussed. In some cases, alternative projects will be sought.
  • Project identification missions have proved to be highly useful in assessing strategic engagement opportunities.
  • The current Swiss strategy for North Africa will end in 2016; the mid-term review of the strategy and context developments have yielded points that need further analysis as a basis for the next Swiss strategy North Africa, i.e. on fragility or radicalisation.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Economia privata
  • Settore privato straniero Nord
  • Settore privato straniero Sud/Est

Altri partner

Synergies are a priority when discussing the continuation / reorientation / replacement of ending projects.

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    200’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    149’952 Progetto totale dalla prima fase Budget Svizzera CHF   1’650’000 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF   1’850’000
Fasi del progetto

Fase 5 01.07.2015 - 30.06.2020   (Completed)

Fase 3 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014   (Completed) Fase 2 01.01.2012 - 31.10.2013   (Completed)