Combating Gender-Based Violence in Mongolia

Progetto concluso
Let's understand and respect each others campaign
Let's understand and respect each others campaign ©UNIFPA

Aiming at sustainable change of behaviour and mental disposition, the 2nd phase of this project seeks to protect the victims of Gender-based Violence (GBV), women/girls and men/boys, and to mitigate the root causes of violence. This follow-up phase focuses on the consolidation and institutionalization of GBV prevention and response mechanism. The project is in line with Mongolia’s and Switzerland’s commitment to combat GBV and gender inequalities.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Diritti umani
Violenza sessuale e di genere
Diritti dell'uomo (diritti delle donne inclusi)
Sviluppo legale e giudiziario
01.08.2020 - 31.07.2023
CHF  2’730’000

-    High prevalence of Gender-based Violence (GBV), and especially Domestic Violence (DV), widespread in all segments of the society both in rural and urban areas;

-    National GBV survey of 2017 (1st phase of this project): 57.9% women experienced intimate partner abuse at least once in their lifetime. The survey provided recommendations where to intervene to prevent GBV and how to protect victims; 

-    Two key legislations addressing gender issues passed in the last decade, promoting gender equality and criminalising domestic violence;

-    Parliamentary and local elections in June and October 2020, and related governmental staff changes: need to ensure sustainability of project by sensitizing and training new duty bearers, as well as to institutionalize and consolidate, mainly at local level, interventions of the 1st phase;

-    Corona Virus (COVID 19) crisis: reported DV increased during the first quarter 2020 by 18.7%.

Obiettivi To reduce the prevalence of Gender-based Violence /Domestic Violence in the country by further strengthening national capacities for GBV prevention and response.
Gruppi target

-    For the whole project at national and local levels: GBV survivors, individuals at risk of GBV, perpetrators of GBV, and policy and decision-makers. With this 2nd phase, men and boys also specifically targeted and engaged to contribute to GBV prevention; 

-    For the community-based initiatives’ part of the project: same target group, but in 5 (out of 21) provinces and 1 district of the capital city Ulaanbaatar to be selected, based on their high GBV prevalence revealed by the GBV study done in phase 1.

Effetti a medio termine

1.    Government response mechanisms on GBV/DV are institutionalized and sustained including regular and improved data collection and analysis; and strengthened survivor protection and rehabilitation mechanisms; 

2.    Selected parts of the population, including men and boys, are engaged at the community level to be made aware of and behave according to gender equitable social norms.


Risultati principali attesi:  

-    GBV/DV survey, data collection, analysis and dissemination mechanisms are institutionalized; 

-    GBV survivor protection and rehabilitation mechanisms are strengthened; 

-    Comprehensive GBV/DV communication, education and behaviour change model at the community level is piloted in focus areas; 

-    The capacity of soum/khoroo-level government administration and CSOs on GBV/DV is strengthened;

-    Voluntary perpetrator rehabilitation model is implemented.

Risultati fasi precedenti:  

-    First national GBV Survey in 2017 revealing the prevalence of GBV in the country, as well as forms, causes, risk factors, and effects of GBV;

-    eGBV integrated database system developed at the National Police Authority to regularly collect data on GBV/DV cases from police stations in all 21 provinces and 9 districts of Mongolia, as well as from One Stop Service Centres (OSSCs) and shelters for survivors of GBV; 

-    31 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) developed and approved to help line ministries/agencies to operationalize the Law to Combat Domestic Violence (LCDV) in their areas of competencies; 

-    National-level Coordination Council on Crime Prevention (CCCP), headed by the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, as well as 30 sub-national CCCPs at provincial and district levels established; 

-    Multidisciplinary teams established at the primary administrative units and members trained; 

-    9 new OSSCs established, while 6 existing OSSCs received technical support.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU)
  • Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per la popolazione

Altri partner
Contribution to the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA
Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori

·       ADB Gender Project

·       SDC Projects in Mongolia:
        -    Education for Sustainable Development

        -    Understanding and Managing Internal Migration

        -    Governance and Decentralisation Programme

        -    Mainstreaming Social Accountability

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    2’730’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    2’562’031
Fasi del progetto

Fase 2 01.08.2020 - 31.07.2023   (Completed)

Fase 1 01.05.2016 - 31.07.2020   (Completed)