
The three Swiss portfolio priorities are: (1) good governance, by contributing to transparent and accountable use of financial and natural resources; (2) market and income opportunities, in particular for youth and women, and economic management for inclusive growth; and (3) improved health for vulnerable people living in the rural areas. The following describes the strategic outcomes in line with these priorities that make up the Swiss Cooperation Strategy 2017-2020 and subsequent programme interventions. 

Transversal themes

Governance and gender will be strengthened as crosscutting themes. Besides targeted programmes within the governance domain, good governance will be also a fundamental feature of the health and the income and economic development domains. Governance as a transversal theme will emphasize transparency, anti-corruption, social accountability as well as (financial) decentralisation and local governance. A gender analysis of each priority area will be conducted and key gender issues/challenges will be part of the overall monitoring and reporting system.

HIV/AIDS remains the third transversal theme due to the high prevalence in the country. Particular interventions in this area will be delivered through sub-regional and global SDC supported programmes.

In addition, reflecting risks and opportunities of the development context, Switzerland will apply a conflict-sensitive approach and address climate change and disaster risk reduction.

Focus areas of Swiss Cooperation

The proposed programme offers ample opportunities to benefit from synergies. A number of issues will be addressed in some form in all domains, notably the efficient delivery of decentralized public services, citizen participation in planning, monitoring and decision-making, accountable management of public funds and the promotion of public debates on the development path of the country.

The geographical focus on the Northern Provinces of Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Niassa, as well as on a limited number of municipalities, respects a certain division of labor among donors, and will be on those geographical regions which have already been supported in the past, where Switzerland has gained a profile and acquired knowledge and experience, and where development needs are highest. As a partner in joint activities with other donors, other geographical areas might be covered in programmes supported by Switzerland.