Swiss Cooperation Programme for Serbia 2022-25

Switzerland's long-standing cooperation with Serbia is based on a close partnership, grounded in proximity and marked by strong political, economic, scientific and cultural ties, with a sizeable diaspora living in Switzerland. Recognizing these linkages, and taking into account progress achieved over the past 30 years as well as remaining challenges, Switzerland will stay committed and continue to further support Serbia’s reform processes for the well-being of its people.
Swiss Cooperation Programme for Serbia 2022-25_EN (PDF, 36 Pages, 3.8 MB, English)
Strategic orientation and priorities of the Swiss Cooperation Programme for Serbia 2022-25
Overall goal: Switzerland will contribute to sustainable development and inclusive growth, while fostering democratic processes, in support of Serbia’s progress towards European standards and values.
Portfolio Outcome 1: Democratic governance and civil society: Citizens and civil society actively participate in inclusive democratic processes and institutions are more accountable and effective
Portfolio outcome 2: Economic development and employment: Women and men benefit from inclusive and sustainable economic growth and more equal economic opportunities.
Portfolio outcome 3: Climate change and sustainable urban development: the Serbian society and economy benefit from improved climate change resilience and decarbonisation in line with the objectives of the “Green Agenda for the Western Balkans”.
Moreover, migration remains an important topic. The Swiss–Serbian migration partnership, with a flexible set of initiatives in line with the Swiss Migration Strategic Framework for the Western Balkans 2020–23, will continue following the proven Whole-of-Government Approach. Likewise, the presence of the global programme for migration and development with a specific project component in Serbia will be maintained.
The cooperation programme will dedicate at least 1% of its budget to Culture and artistic expression mostly for local cultural initiatives.
The total amount of Swiss funds for Serbia comprises of CHF 96.5 million for the period 2022–25.
This Programme was developed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), in close consultation with the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) as well as government offices, civil society and the private sector in Serbia.
The Swiss Embassy in Belgrade is steering and overseeing the implementation of the Programme.