Access to Justice project in Tajikistan
This exit phase of the Access to Justice (A2J) in Tajikistan will solidify the free public legal aid system to vulnerable individuals with respect to their legal claims (e.g. child allowances, spouse support etc.). It will also entirely transmit the aid system to the state budget and to the institutional management by the Ministry of Justice of Tajikistan in order to achieve full financial sustainability of access to Justice for the most vulnerable ones.
Paese/Regione | Tema | Periodo | Budget |
Tagikistan |
Diritti umani
Diritti dell'uomo (diritti delle donne inclusi)
- 31.07.2025 |
CHF 4’150’000
- Other international or foreign NGO North
- Programma di sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite
Settore in base alle categorie del Comitato di Aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell'OCSE GOVERNO E SOCIETÀ CIVILE
Sotto-Settore in base alle categorie del Comitato di Aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell'OCSE Diritti umani
Temi trasversali Diritti dell'uomo
Il progetto sostiene anche miglioramenti nell'organizzazione partner
Tipo di aiuto Mandato con fondo fiduciario
Mandato senza fondo fiduciario
Numero del progetto 7F08351
Contesto | In 2020, the Parliament adopted a Law on Legal Aid in Tajikistan solidifying on the state commitment to the development and provision of free legal aid services to vulnerable people living in the country. The Ministry of Justice of Tajikistan is responsible for the management of free legal aid. The key challenges for the system development are the professional capacity and recruitment of staff during the implementation of the adopted law and the financial hand over of the system support to the state. |
Obiettivi | People, in particular the most vulnerable, claim and enjoy their rights through better access to justice, contributing to reducing inequalities and ensuring that no one is left behind. |
Gruppi target |
The main project target group will constitute of the state legal aid providers (centres), defence lawyers, paralegals, local authorities and other state and nongovernmental organizations involved in the legal aid and legal system reforms. The end beneficiaries of the project are the population of Tajikistan and particularly the vulnerable individuals with low income (women especially), who will enrich their legal knowledge and will be able to resolve their legal issues with use of the State’s free legal aid services. |
Effetti a medio termine |
1. The Ministry of Justice effectively manages free legal aid services in a sustainable and quality manner. 2. The population is aware of its rights and use the provided services, and civil society present key justice issues in the dialogue with national and local authorities, who provide durable solutions. |
Risultati |
Risultati principali attesi: • Access to state legal aid is guaranteed through the effective management and provision of quality and free primary and secondary legal aid by the State Agency Legal Aid Centre (SALAC) to people, in particular women, youth and other vulnerable groups. • The accessibility and efficiency of the judiciary is enhanced through the improved quality of its decision-making in civil and family cases. • The Ministry of Justice has the capacity and systematically increases legal awareness and literacy among the population. • Civil society has the skills for advocacy, participates in decision-making and followsup and monitors implementation of those decisions. Risultati fasi precedenti: • The project support was key for the Parliament to adopt the Law on free legal aid in 2020. • The Ministry of Justice opened 34 new state legal aid centres available for people living in Tajikistan and rated by people with more than 60% of satisfaction in their services. • The state and the civil society organizations held regular policy dialogues that resulted in the reform initiatives on legal aid and civil registry issues. |
Direzione/Ufficio responsabile |
Partner del progetto |
Partner contrattuale ONG internazionale o straniera Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) Altri partner UNDP, Helvetas/Swiss Intercooperation, Ministry of Justice. |
Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori | The project is aligned with the on-going SDC projects on Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Civil Registry System Reform project. Other international partners are UN Women, UNHCR, GIZ, and OSCE as members of the Development Coordination Council and they are ensuring a close coordination. |
Budget | Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF 4’150’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF 3’831’400 |
Fasi del progetto | Fase 3 01.07.2021 - 31.07.2025 (Fase in corso) Fase 2 01.12.2016 - 31.03.2021 (Completed) Fase 1 01.12.2012 - 30.11.2016 (Completed) |