Swiss citizenship may be acquired through birth, naturalisation or renaturalisation.
The fact sheets on this page (only available in German, French or Italian) set out the requirements and procedures for Swiss nationals wishing to apply for Swiss citizenship for their children or foreign spouse and for applicants wishing a renaturalisation.
- Fact sheet: Are your children Swiss or can they become Swiss? (PDF, 2 Pages, 316.8 kB, German)
Fact sheet: Are your children Swiss or can they become Swiss? (PDF, 2 Pages, 325.0 kB, French)
Fact sheet: Are your children Swiss or can they become Swiss? (PDF, 2 Pages, 318.6 kB, Italian)
- Fact sheet: Simplified naturalisation of the foreign spouse of a Swiss citizen living abroad
Fact sheet: Simplified natrualisation of the foreign spouse of a Swiss citizen living abroad
Fact sheet: Simplified naturalisation of the foreign spous of a Swiss citizen living abroad
- Fact sheet: Renaturalisation
Fact sheet: Renaturalisation
Fact sheet: Renaturalisation