Inclusive Urbanisation

Projet terminé

The program contributes to inclusive urbanization in Central America in partnership with UN-Habitat with the aim to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations in urban settlements. Solid data and evidence on informal settlements and specialised advisory will contribute to improve urban policies. Capacity building, participatory planning approaches and increased involvement of the private sector will foster comprehensive and feasible solutions for informal settlements. 

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Amérique latine
Gestion des finances publiques
Développement des systèmes légaux et judiciaires
08.11.2021 - 31.12.2024
CHF  4’350’000
Contexte It is estimated that in 2050 the share of people living in urban areas will increase to 68%. The Latin American context, with approximately 81% of the population living in cities, creates many new challenges and implications for development actors. Central America, with a population of approximately 59% of the population living in cities, is the second-fastest urbanizing region in the world. At current rates of urbanization, the region’s urban population will double in size by 2050, welcoming over 25 million new urban dwellers. For the large part, current policies in the region have fallen short of substantially addressing unsustainable urban trends. The consequences of uncontrolled urban growth are an increasing numbers of urban residents living in slums, changes in family and gender patterns, along with increasing challenges relating to exclusion, inequality and social cohesion, all of it exacerbating the existing high levels of insecurity in the region. Empowering cities as local actors of development and governance is thus in line with the Swiss interest to promote peace, governance and the rule of law. Moving forward, cities in Latin America and especially in Central America need to prepare and adapt to provide more and better services, improve infrastructure, expand access to affordable housing, and enable the private sector to create jobs for all and invest in inclusive urban growth. Switzerland has the required expertise, flexibility and international reputation as an impartial actor to strengthen cities as decentralized actors for poverty reduction and achievement of the sustainable development goals.  
Objectifs The overall goal of the intervention is to advance sustainable and inclusive urbanization as a driver of development and peace and to promote inclusive urbanization as key theme in national, regional and global policy dialogue in order to improve living conditions of the vulnerable population in Central America.
Groupes cibles

Vulnerable Population in informal urban settlements in Central America (14’000 Women, Men, boys and girls)

National and Local Governments in Central America

UN Country Teams in Central America

Private Sector

Effets à moyen terme

Outcome 1: Capacitated national and local governments develop and/or have the tools to implement coherent Urban Policies based on evidence and in line with the New urban agenda and the sustainable development goals

Outcome 2: Capacitated local Governments, Civil society and the Private Sector contribute to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations in Central American cities through enhanced collaboration and participation.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

-    State of the Cities Report and inventory of Informal Settlements provide a solid data base on urbanization in Central America

-    Reviewed national urban policies in at least five countries in central america form the basis for improved cross sectorial and inter-municipal coordination

-    Capacity and knowledge platforms on inclusive urbanization established and functional

-    Comprehensive proposals for 20 neighborhood improvements in urban settlements

-    Increased Resources for inclusive urbanization project Cities in the region mobilized by the Cities investment facility

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Organisme des Nations Unies (ONU)
  • UN-Habitat - Programme des Nations Unies pour les établissements humains

Autres partenaires
Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs Cities Alliance Joint Work Program on Cities and Migration, SDC Country Office Honduras, Swiss Embassy Guatemala, SECO, European Union, World Bank, IDB, UNHCR, IOM
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    4’350’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    4’288’592 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF   3’500’000
Phases du projet

Phase 1 08.11.2021 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)