SDC Education Fund
As part of its increased commitment for Education and of the implementation of SDC’s Education Strategy, the SDC launches an Education Fund in order to incentivize innovation and the application of new approaches in basic education/vocational skills development and through educational activities across sectors. Innovation can have a catalytic effect on the effectiveness of programmes in and through education. Education is a core enabler for sustainable development and is an important lever in Switzerland’s commitment to promote human and economic development, peace and stability.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Burkina Faso Burundi Bhutan Central America Colombia Ethiopia Global Honduras Kenya Lebanon Mali Mozambique Occupied Palestinian Territory South Sudan Syria |
Employment & economic development Education Vocational training Health Water Conflict & fragility Humanitarian Assistance & DRR Migration nothemedefined
Employment creation
Education facilities and training Primary education Secondary education Tertiary education Vocational training Rural development Education policy Teacher training Basic nutrition Water sanitation Conflict prevention Basic life skills Reproductive health & rights Protection, access & security Forced displacement (refugees, IDP, human trafficking) Labour migration |
- 31.12.2022 |
CHF 4’000’000
- Innovation in education and/or new approaches of the SDC Education Strategy are tested
- Number of education projects / beneficiaries across SDC domains has increased
- Integration of education in other sectors is enhanced
- Lessons and learnings of innovations and approaches conducted through financing from the Education Fund are capitalized and disseminated
- Caritas Switzerland
- Central State of South East
- HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
- International Organisation for Migration
- Other international or foreign NGO North
- Save the Children Federation
- Swisscontact
- Swiss Peace Foundation
Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation EDUCATION
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Education facilities and training
Primary education
Secondary education
Vocational training
Higher education
Employment policy and administrative management
Education policy and administrative management
Education facilities and training
Teacher training
Primary education
Secondary education
Vocational training
Basic nutrition
Basic sanitation
Rural development
Education policy and administrative management
Education facilities and training
Basic life skills for youth and adults
Secondary education
Vocational training
Reproductive health care
Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility
Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution
Material relief assistance and services
Cross-cutting topics Conflict reduction
Crisis prevention
The project supports partner organisation improvements as a priority
Aid Type Mandate with fiduciary funds
Mandate without fiduciary fund
Project and programme contribution
Project number 7F10101
Background | Education is a core enabler for sustainable development. It is a powerful lever for reducing poverty and inequality, offering economic prospects and contributing to equal chances in human development. Education plays a central role in the Agenda 2030 both as a goal on its own and as an enabler for the achievement of other goals. Yet, millions of people do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to live up to their full potential. Education (basic education and vocational skills development) is a priority in Switzerland’s Dispatch on International Cooperation 2017-20, including a planned increase of 50% in financial commitment compared to 2013-16. In 2017, SDC launched its Education Strategy which guides SDC’s Education commitment over the coming years. New programmatic approaches and the use of innovation are needed to face global challenges through education and are an integral part of the SDC Education Strategy. The SDC Education Fund is a catalytic instrument to stimulate the application of innovation in SDC bilateral and global programs. |
Objectives | To increase SDCs effective implementation of SDG 4 and 8 and its contribution to the different sustainable development goals defined by the Agenda 2030 through the implementation of the SDC Education Strategy and an increase in engagement and innovation in education. |
Target groups | Target group of the Education Fund are the different beneficiaries, girls, boys, men, women, addressed through the Swiss Cooperation Offices in SDC partner countries, in the case of Global programs also through the representations of the relevant partner institutions. |
Medium-term outcomes |
Outcome 1: The implementation and testing of innovative and new approaches described in the SDC Education Strategy and facilitated via the Education Fund have contributed to enhanced effectiveness of interventions across sectors in both SDC’s bilateral and global work. Outcome 2: The Education Fund has shown a catalytic effect and contributed to the expansion of engagement in basic education/vocational skills development as well as of educational activities across sectors. Outcome 3: The Education Fund has contributed to an enhanced understanding and experience of innovative and new approaches aligned to SDC Education Strategy, and enabled to draw learnings for current and future programmes in basic education/vocational skills development and across sectors |
Results |
Expected results: Output related to outcome 1: Output related to Outcome 2: Output related to Outcome 3: Results from previous phases: The baseline of project submissions are formulated around the 3 outcomes as indicated in the project proposal template of the Education Fund. |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Credit area |
Development cooperation |
Project partners |
Contract partner International or foreign NGO Foreign state institution Swiss Academic and Research Institution Swiss Non-profit Organisation United Nations Organization (UNO) Other partners Respective partners of the SDC Cooperation Offices, SDC Divisions HQ and SDC Global programs. |
Coordination with other projects and actors | Current projects and partners those SDC Divisions, Swiss Cooperation Offices, Global Programmes that submit a proposal to the Education Fund. |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 4’000’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 3’586’997 |
Project phases |
Phase 1 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022 (Completed) |