
Ordina i risultati per

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 78

Enhanced Protection and Support to the Most Vulnerable Children, notably Refugee Children, in Lebanon

16.08.2024 - 15.08.2027

Children of all nationalities in Lebanon are affected by the country’s multifaceted crisis and collapse of public services. They face heightened risks of abuse, exploitation and violence, and of getting in contact or even in conflict with the law. Specific groups like refugee children are particularly at risk of seeing their rights violated. Through this project, NGOs and UNICEF will jointly enhance the protection of children from violence by providing them with crucial legal and protection services and by improving the child-friendliness of the justice system (nexus).

UNICEF – Improving drinking water quality in Lebanon

01.06.2024 - 31.05.2026

Lebanon’s water sector is at risk of collapse. Therefore Switzerland, in partnership with UNICEF supports the provision of safe water through the public service. The proposed intervention is critical to the water sector and serves as emergency support to the population to avoid impacts of collapsed water systems such as cholera. It also lays the ground for longer-term improved water quality in Lebanon.

OCHA Core Contribution 2024-2025

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Switzerland’s objective is to support the United Nations (UN) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) with high-quality funding while advocating for new, more inclusive and forward-looking ways of working to enable an efficient and effective humanitarian response to people in need in accordance with humanitarian principles and international humanitarian law. OCHA is a priority organization for Switzerland.

Decent work for Migrants in the Middle East

01.10.2023 - 30.09.2027

Migrant workers and refugees face obstacles to access decent work in the Middle East, one of the largest migrant hosting regions, which limits their ability to contribute to their countries of origin and destination. To maximize benefits of migration and reduce harm, Switzerland engages various public and private stakeholders for the promotion of decent working conditions in Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf, through access to justice, migrant empowerment and addressing worker welfare in the green and just transition.

Contribution to UNICEF Transition and Resilience Education Fund (TREF)

01.07.2023 - 31.12.2025

Switzerland’s contribution to UNICEF’s Transition and Resilience Education Fund (TREF) in Lebanon ensures access to relevant quality public education for the most vulnerable children of all nationalities to avoid the scenario of a lost generation after 4 years of disrupted education. Amidst Lebanon’s economic crisis, TREF further contributes to improving the governance, efficiency, inclusiveness, and overall resilience of Lebanon public education system.

Progetto concluso

Allocation of SDC Funding (MENA Europe Division) in 2023 to ICRC Operations in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

SDC funding to ICRC operations allows the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to respond proactively and to provide immediate protection and assistance for people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. In line with the Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) principles, Switzerland recognizes the necessity of predictable and flexible funding to respond to changing needs in humanitarian crises.

Program Contribution for Fondation Terre des hommes 2023-2024

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

The program of the Terre des hommes Foundation (TdhF) aims to sustainably reduce child mortality and morbidity and to secure access to health, sanitation and clean water for mothers and children (0-18 years) in severe poverty. Children in contexts of migration, conflict and disasters, and child victims of violence are better protected. International standards in child-friendly justice are promoted. Humanitarian interventions in fragile contexts, combined with poverty reduction and sustainable development are promoted through innovative work with children and youths.

Progetto concluso

2023 Annual Allocation to WFP Country Strategic Plans

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

Against historic levels of food security due to conflicts, climate change and COVID-19, Switzerland supports annually in 28 SDC priority countries operations of the World Food Programme (WFP) to provide humanitarian and development assistance. It funds indistinctively Country Strategic Plans, incorporating all WFP programmes or projects, based on affected population needs and potential synergies with other local partners, especially national governments and civil society.

Contribution to UNRWA's Programme Budget 2023-2024

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

UNRWA is one of Switzerland’s key multilateral partners in the Middle East, due to its important contributions towards stability and peace in the region and its role in providing services and humanitarian assistance to people in need. Under its Programme Budget, UNRWA ensures universal access to quality primary health care and to basic education to 5.8 million registered Palestine refugees. It also provides targeted relief and social services to vulnerable refugees.

Contribution to UNHCR Programme Budget 2023-2024 (earmarked)

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

UNHCR is one of Switzerland’s key multilateral partners due to its unique mandate by the General Assembly of United Nations to provide protection and assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, refugee returnees, and stateless persons. The strategic direction 2022-26 concretise the overall mandate of UNHCR for the upcoming years. Contributing to these directions allows Switzerland to achieve in particular the human development goal defined in the Dispatch to Parliament on International Cooperation for 2021-24.

LEB/JOR DANIDA - Regional Development and Protection Programme (RDPP)

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026

In Lebanon and Jordan, the protracted refugee crisis, structural fragility, political and economic crises, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to increased poverty and unemployment, especially among youth and women. Switzerland will support vulnerable communities in both countries to access their rights, enjoy increased safety and enhance their self-reliance through a combination of livelihoods support, protection, research and advocacy contributing to progress towards durable and sustainable solutions.

Progetto concluso

ICRC Operations Appeals 2022: Allocation 2022 - Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022

SDC funding to ICRC operations allows the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to respond proactively and to provide immediate protection and assistance for people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. In line with the Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) principles, Switzerland recognizes the necessity of predictable and flexible funding to respond to changing needs in humanitarian crises.

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 78