The SET II project aims to improve chances of gainful youth (self-) employment in response to the youth employment challenges in Tanzania. The project contributes to improved non-formal Vocational Skills Development (VSD) for youth between 15 and 24 years, including young mothers, in Morogoro Region with potential expansion to Iringa and Mbeya Regions. Funded by the Government of Switzerland, SET II is implemented by Swisscontact, a Swiss NGO, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and other public and private sector partners. The project aims to reach over 10,000 youth and capacitate at least 300 teachers in non-formal VSD. The total estimated budget for the project is CHF 9.5 million or TZS 24 billion over an implementation period of four years (2022–2026).
The Swisscontact Country Director Ms. Sabine Roth noted during her presentation that the support of SET II will focus on non-formal VSD as the vast majority of youth will work in the informal sector and will have to create livelihood through local self-employment.
In his remarks, Ambassador Chassot appreciated the long-standing cooperation between Switzerland and Tanzania. Looking forward to supporting the SET project for another four years, he underlined the immense potential of young people in Tanzania and the importance of equipping them with the right sets of skills, so that they are ready to join the labour market and to contribute meaningfully to the socio-economic development of Tanzania.
On his part, Hon. Kipanga equally appreciated the cooperation with Switzerland and the provision of solid expertise in the vocational education and training sector. He emphasized the importance of the project’s focus on jobs and self-employment opportunities in the informal sector and selected sectors of the economy, most notably the agriculture sector, where most of the jobs are and can be created. Additionally, he highlighted the timely support and collaboration of SET II for Folk Development Colleges and local NGOs.